How to stimulate ovulation?

So, how to stimulate ovulation? Problems of the reproductive system of the female body, as you know, can sometimes be solved without surgical intervention. It is enough just to go to the pharmacy for the “magic” pills prescribed by the doctor the day before. And, while your eyes are scattered when choosing medicines, we will … Continue reading “How to stimulate ovulation?”

Ovulation stimulation in women after 40 years

Some couples decide to have a second child many years after the birth of their first child. Often, doctors resort to ovulation stimulation after 40 years, because the supply of eggs can be used up. As a result, after stimulation in the form of hormonal drugs, ovulation returns, so there are chances of conception. This … Continue reading “Ovulation stimulation in women after 40 years”

Why is it not always possible to get pregnant during ovulation?

When a couple starts planning to conceive a baby, the first few unsuccessful attempts can cause a lot of questions — why pregnancy does not occur, because partners try to conduct sexual acts during this, the most favorable fertile female period. In fact, this is a normal situation, the reasons for which may be quite … Continue reading “Why is it not always possible to get pregnant during ovulation?”

Signs and symptoms of ovulation, feelings of a woman (part 1)

For the early onset of pregnancy, it is important to know and be able to determine the days when ovulation occurs, since the conception of a child occurs on such days. This article will describe how to determine the onset of ovulation. Ovulation is the process of leaving a Mature and fertilized egg from the … Continue reading “Signs and symptoms of ovulation, feelings of a woman (part 1)”

Ovulation stimulation: from indications to prescription.

Long ago in the past, there were times when problems with ovulation in a woman meant only one thing for a married couple — infertility. Medicine has learned to successfully solve this problem, and in many cases, treatment ends with conception and the birth of a healthy child. In this case, ovulation stimulation is performed … Continue reading “Ovulation stimulation: from indications to prescription.”

How and how can ovulation be stimulated

Should there be ovulation in every cycle? What is pathological anovulation and how is it diagnosed? How to stimulate ovulation with medications and what can be done with “home” methods? We will try to answer these questions What is anovulation? Lack of ovulation – anovulation) is a violation of the growth and maturation of the … Continue reading “How and how can ovulation be stimulated”

Infertile marriage is a problem?

World statistics gives the figure of prevalence of 10-15%, but I think in our country things are different and the reason is not that our women or men more and more sick, no, it’s not, and that not all women and some doctors along with them, unable to distinguish normal from pathology and problems sometimes … Continue reading “Infertile marriage is a problem?”

Stimulation of ovulation

Ovulation is the natural process of an egg entering the fallopian tube after a Mature follicle is ruptured. Usually occurs 14 days before the start of menstruation. For a number of reasons, the egg may not be released from the follicle. In this case, artificial ovulation stimulation is required.Specialists of the IVF reproductive health clinic … Continue reading “Stimulation of ovulation”