Clomid for men

Clomid for men: Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid, Clostilbegit) is often prescribed to men with low testosterone levels as a replacement therapy. Low testosterone (hypogonadism) cannot be considered a normal healthy condition for a man in his 30s, 50s, or 75s.

Symptoms of this hormonal disorder usually include:

  • lack of energy;
  • depressed mood;
  • loss of vitality;
  • muscle atrophy (sarcopenia);
  • muscle pain;
  • low libido;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • weight gain,
  • bone loss (osteopenia) and osteoporosis;
  • moderate anemia;
  • increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease, prostate cancer, and an increased risk of death.

Low testosterone levels in men can be caused by problems in the testes (or gonads). This condition is called primary hypogonadism, it is associated with mumps, testicular trauma, testicular cancer and is treated only with testosterone replacement therapy.

The most common causes of low testosterone (hypogonadism) are problems with the pituitary gland and/or hypothalamus in the male brain. The reduced T caused by such “brain” problems is collectively referred to as secondary hypogonadism, or hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. It can be the result of depression, anxiety, traumatic brain injury, excessive exercise, an overdose of anabolic steroids, diabetes, lack of sleep, or taking certain medications.

Clomiphene for men: What is assigned for?

Traditionally, if low testosterone is diagnosed, a man is prescribed testostin replacement therapy in the form of a cream, gel, tablet, patch or injection. And while these types of therapies are effective, each of them has side effects. For example, testicular shrinkage, gynecomastia (breast enlargement), low sperm count, and polycythemia (an overabundance of red blood cells) are common side effects of T replacement therapy (for most patients, these side effects are treatable and do not exceed the potential benefit of hormone treatment).

However, in particular, due to the decrease in the number of sperm, this method of increasing testosterone is not the best option for men who want to have children. Young men with hypogonadism are usually prescribed clomiphene citrate (CC tablets, or Clomid) and / or human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). These drugs have been used by specialists for many decades to increase the natural production of testosterone, sperm, and increase the likelihood of conception in patients. This method of treatment causes the testes to produce T and thereby increases the natural level of testosterone.

When a healthy man’s pituitary gland releases luteinizing hormone (LH) into the bloodstream, the testes receive a signal to produce testosterone. After that, some of the testosterone is converted to estrogen (the female hormone), and the pituitary stops producing LH.

Clomid for men

Clomid for men works by blocking estrogen in the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. Thus, estrogen does not signal the brain to stop producing LH. Luteinizing hormone continues to be produced, and as a result, the production of testostin in the testicles increases.

When using traditional methods of testosterone replacement therapy, the brain (hypothalamus and pituitary gland) receives the message that there is a lot of T in the testes and it no longer needs to be produced. Subsequently, the pituitary gland ceases to produce LH, and the natural production of testostin (and sperm) in the testes ceases, so the traditional results of testosterone replacement therapy — TST) are a decrease in the testicles and a low sperm count.

Clomiphene for men together with hCG (or without it) does not turn off the production of test-na. Depending on the condition, its reception can be continuous or course, for 3-6 months.

Clomiphene and hCG were previously thought to work only on young men, but in the last decade, these drugs have also been successfully used by older patients.

Compared to testosterone replacement therapy, clomid for men with hypogonadism can be considered a better alternative due to the fact that:

  1. Clomiphene stimulates the body’s own production of test-na.
  2. Clomid is available in tablets and is easy to take.
  3. This drug is quite cheap and affordable.
  4. Clomid has a relatively low risk of side effects.

The main active ingredient clomifene is available under several trademarks: “Clostylbegit”, “Clomid” (Clomid), “Serpafar”. The main drug that can be found and purchased is “Clostylbegit” or generic clomid.

Clomid for men: Conclusion

Clomid for men can serve as a good alternative to dough therapy in both the short and long term. Despite this, you can only take clomiphene as prescribed and under the supervision of a doctor.

Three medicines that still remain a dream

Against the background of incredible discoveries that promise to completely transform the medicine of the future, making it preventive, there are a number of tools that have been waiting for a very long time.

Malaria vaccine

Bill Gates spends tens of millions of dollars on the search for a miracle cure. Thousands of scientists around the world are working on this problem. The first tangible success is the recent work of American researchers from the National Center for the Study of Allergies and Infections. They were able to remove mosquitoes that develop malaria parasites inside, and then make these parasites unable to infect with radiation exposure.

Super Cold Remedy

Scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are developing a drug that can mean victory over the banal cold — the most annoying disease on the planet. They claim to have created a virus that attacks an infected cell and programs it to self-destruct, but does not affect healthy cells in the neighborhood. There are years of clinical trials ahead.

A cure for infertility

Artificial insemination is becoming an increasingly popular method of conception, and many technologies have already been tested and brought to mind. Also, do not forget about the stimulation of ovulation with clomid. Nevertheless, the search for new solutions continues. Canadian scientists from the University of Vancouver are working on drugs that stimulate ovulation in women who want to get pregnant. They are able to stimulate the appearance of several eggs per month instead of one, which increases the chances of artificial insemination. But the method developed by Canadian scientists still has many side effects, including a dangerous syndrome that is associated with kidney failure and heart failure.

Coronavirus vaccine

In modern realities, humanity also dreams of one more medicine – a 100% effective coronavirus vaccine, because neither the Russian Sputnik-V, nor Pfizer, nor even the Chinese vaccine, have yet produced any results.

Women suffer from menstrual cycle disorders and infertility

The menstrual cycle is one of the most mysterious phenomena in human biology. Why did our species develop a rhythmic ovulation that is independent of coitus? What is the biological meaning of menstrual bleeding, which is absent in other mammals? There are also more practical questions: it is known that physical and psychological stress, as well as body weight, significantly affect the menstrual cycle – but how and why does this happen? In search of answers, we turn to high-level processes – the analytical system of the hypothalamus.

The extension of the genus requires an optimal external and internal environment. A woman should be safe, have a favorable social environment, and have unrestricted access to nutrients. Otherwise, the pregnancy may be terminated or the fetus will suffer from developmental defects.

How can the body assess the many external and internal factors and make a choice: to take the risk of conception now-or to sacrifice part of the fertile time, waiting for more suitable conditions? Taking into account the complexity of the task, we can say that the choice of physiological states suitable for conception cannot be carried out by the pelvic organs. This function should be performed by an organ that “knows” the whole physiological context.

Menstrual cycle: Stress and procreation

In modern biology, the concept of “stress” means an overload of the adaptive abilities of the body. As a universal response to long-term adverse conditions, the hypothalamus increases plasma cortisol (and CSF) through the pituitary-adrenal system. In response, cortisol, among other things, suppresses the secretion of GnRH. This occurs in a variety of chronic conditions, different in nature and origin, but uniformly interpreted by the hypothalamus as stress: depression and anxiety disorders, diabetes, alcoholism, violation of the “sleep – wake” mode (working night shifts). Excess cortisol is also seen in many professional athletes.

menstrual cycle

So, the species Homo sapiens is adapted to long-distance running, in which endogenous cannabinoids enter the blood. At the dawn of human history, they made it easier to run for hours during times of migration and hunting, providing an analgesic and euphoric effect. Of course, they also inhibit the release of GnRH, since such severe trials are not combined with the prolongation of the genus. This probably explains some of the cases of amenorrhea among the runners these days.

Social and psychological stress

Human society has undergone significant changes over the last millennium. However, social distress, lifestyle changes, and information overload involve the same stressful mechanisms as the threat to physical survival.

In many mammals, females fight among themselves for resources and those partners that could provide tactical and genetic advantages to future offspring. In primates, a subordinate social position causes an increase in cortisol plasma. At the same time, the peak luteinizing hormone emissions required for ovulation are reduced. As resources decrease and aggressiveness increases within the community, conception is most promising in the dominant female. Aggression, including between close relatives, seems to play an important role in the suppression of ovulation among subordinate individuals.

Menstrual cycle and microecology of nutrition

In addition to the three main nutritional classes: proteins, fats and carbohydrates – with each meal, the human body receives microscopic doses of regulatory substances that have not nutritional, but informational value. The availability of vitamins of plant and animal origin historically included Homo sapiens in specific food chains, and the microelement composition of the environment determined favorable zones for habitation. Thus, vitamins and trace elements, whose importance is often underestimated, combine the biogeocenosis with individual physiology. The female body, constantly looking for optimal conditions for the prolongation of the genus, can not ignore such data.

Today, humanity has spread across the globe everywhere, often spending most of their lives moving. Thus, medical science is faced with the task of compensating for the change of ecological subsystems, which in market conditions is available only through the development of universal adaptive complexes. The degree of their influence is individual, because each organism is unique. However, such substitution drugs occupy their own therapeutic niche along with higher-level treatment methods.


It is possible that both in cases of metabolic stress and in cases of chronic psychological threats, the hypothalamus acts uniformly: it seeks to protect the body by reducing energy consumption and preventing risky pregnancy. This should be taken into account in patients with functional amenorrhea. In such cases, replacement therapy alone may not be sufficient, as it does not affect adrenal hyperfunction, body weight, and psychological problems. Even with artificially induced ovulation, subsequent pregnancy is threatened by ongoing psychological and / or metabolic stress. In other words, the full restoration of sexual function requires the correction of a fundamental problem-lifestyle.

High cholesterol affects the conception of a child

It will be difficult for a couple to conceive a child if both the man and the woman have high cholesterol levels.

This conclusion was made by scientists from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (Rockville, Maryland).

The researchers found that couples with cholesterol levels had difficulty conceiving, as opposed to couples whose cholesterol levels were normal. In the course of the study, experts processed data from 501 married couples from Michigan and Texas. All couples tried to conceive and were not treated for infertility.

After evaluating the levels, phospholipids, triglycerides, and total lipids in each study participant, the researchers concluded that cholesterol was the greatest factor in infertility.

Blood pressure affects the ability to procreate, as it is a kind of building material for male and female hormones. Estrogen and progesterone in women, testosterone in men-these hormones play an important role in a couple’s ability to conceive a healthy child. They are also important for the processes of seminal fluid formation, ovulation, fertilization, and maintaining a healthy pregnancy process.

Do not forget, if you are all right with cholesterol, then clomid can increase the success of conception. The main thing is to consult your doctor.

How to lower bad cholesterol

Just one serving of legumes a day can lower the level of bad cholesterol, scientists have found.

The results of the latest study were published in the journal CMAJ.

It is known that cholesterol is necessary for our body – it is involved in the synthesis of sex hormones, vitamin D and other biological compounds, in contrast to bad cholesterol, or low-density lipoprotein, which is recognized as one of the most important risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases. Low-density lipoproteins are poorly soluble, cholesterin from them often precipitates and is deposited in the vessels in the form of atherosclerotic plaques.

high cholesterol

As part of a joint study of scientists from Canada and the United States, 26 studies were analyzed aimed at studying the effect of eating legumes on lowering cholesterol levels. The study involved 1,037 people.

“We believe this is due to the fact that men often pay less attention to their daily diet and have higher cholesterol levels,” says Dr. John Siwenpaper of St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto, lead author of the study. “To prevent many chronic diseases, normalize body weight, blood pressure, blood glucose levels, and reduce the amount of cholesterol in the body, it is simply necessary to regularly consume crops such as Turkish peas, lentils, and beans.”

However, it should be noted that, despite the decrease, some side effects were recorded, in particular, increased flatulence, bloating, diarrhea, or even constipation.