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Clomid Side Effects

A recommended dose of generic clomid, taken under guidence of a qualified healthcare professional, dosen't generally result in side effects. Nor it infrequently interfere with treatment. Clomid Side effects are tend to be dose related, occurring more frequently at the higher doses and longer duration of treatment courses used in some earlier studies.

Generic Clomid Side Effects

The standard and most common generic Clomid side effects depend on the individual characteristics of each organism. However, even more likely they depend on the gender of the patient and the purpose of the therapy. For obvious reasons, some of the effects of taking these pills are typical only for women who seek natural ovulation, while others – only for male athletes. Both often complain of nausea during the course of treatment. However, any unwanted generic Clomid side effects disappear quickly and permanently as soon as you stop taking the medicine. For many women, a single course is enough to get pregnant, and therefore the likely short-term side effects, such as diarrhea or flushing, are not a serious problem.

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Generic Clomid Common Side Effects

The more common side effects of generic Clomid include hot flashes, abdominal discomfort (distention, bloating, pain, or soreness), ovarian enlargement, and visual blurring. The vasomotor symptoms resembling menopausal "hot flashes" are not usually severe and disappear promptly after treatment is discontinued. Abdominal symptoms may be most often related to ovulatory (mittelschmerz) or premenstrual phenomena, or to ovarian enlargement.

Clomid More Common Side Effects

The less common side effects of taking generic Clomid medicine are nausea or vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, increased nervous tension, depression, fatigue, dizziness or lightheadedness, insomnia, headache, breast soreness, heavier menses, intermenstrual spotting, urticaria or allergic dermatitis, weight gain, and increased urinary frequency or volume. Moderate, reversible hair loss has been reported in a few patients, primarily on prolonged continuous therapy.