How to stimulate ovulation?

So, how to stimulate ovulation? Problems of the reproductive system of the female body, as you know, can sometimes be solved without surgical intervention. It is enough just to go to the pharmacy for the “magic” pills prescribed by the doctor the day before. And, while your eyes are scattered when choosing medicines, we will help you understand the principle of the most popular of them, and what is the effect of each.

How to stimulate ovulation: Clomid.

Clomid was originally developed as a pilot version of a universal drug for breast cancer, but, failing to meet high expectations, began to be used as a drug to stimulate ovulation among women who want to become pregnant. So, clomid can be recommended by doctors in three cases:

  1. If the absence of ovulation is caused by a previously diagnosed polycystic ovary syndrome.
  2. If infertility does not have a certain genesis, that is, with ideal medical indicators, a woman still does not get pregnant after more than a year of intensive attempts. In this case, clomid is usually used in conjunction with another drug – metformin, which, in turn, increases the level of insulin and promotes ovulation.
  3. If in vitro fertilization (IVF, ICSI, etc. ) requires additional guarantees of the success of the procedure. Although from a medical point of view, this use of clomid is not sufficiently justified, many patients personally ask their doctor to include clomid in their treatment course, since this drug is considered effective when it comes to increasing the chances of becoming pregnant.

Studies and many years of experience show that about 80% of women who have problems with ovulation, observe the release of an egg from the ovaries after the first application of clomid. However, only 30% of patients manage to get pregnant immediately after the first cycle. However, a six-month course of clomid use is considered quite optimal, so even if you did not manage to get pregnant after your first use, you still have a good chance of seeing the long-awaited two stripes over the next few months, provided that you follow the medication course.

how to stimulate ovulation

The chronology of the process of using clomid is very simple. After your doctor has conducted a full medical examination and written out a prescription for the purchase of the drug, you can safely go to the pharmacy. Before use, it is necessary to consult a doctor about the interval of use, but, as a rule, clomid tablets are taken on the third to seventh day of the menstrual cycle. After a week from the beginning of the menstrual cycle, lead an active sexual life, preferably with a break interval of one day, so that your partner has time to accumulate sperm ready for fertilization. If by the tenth day of your menstrual cycle, your cervical mucus has the consistency of egg white, it means that you are on the right track, and that ovulation will occur soon. After another week or two, you can start using pregnancy tests and hope for the best.

The side effects of clomid are insignificant, and do not pose a direct threat to the female body. In the most frequent cases, abdominal pain, insomnia and weight gain are observed. The worst possible development is the appearance of ovarian cysts or the diagnosis of ovarian cancer. However, the chance of such consequences appearing is very, very small.

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