Atypical Clomid uses: What else does it treat besides infertility?

Most often, doctors prescribe this medication to treat female infertility of almost any origin. It is really very effective if your goal is conception. However, let us talk about other, atypical Clomid uses. But first, let’s recall the main reasons to consult a doctor for a prescription for this antiestrogen. First of all, specialists prescribe this drug for the treatment of infertility in women of almost any age. It stimulates ovulation, and, if used correctly, quickly leads to a long-awaited pregnancy.

Prescription for amenorrhea and disease variations

We cannot say these are atypical Clomid uses. Actually, the absence of menstruation or too rare bleeding can lead to difficulties in conception.

Amenorrhea, or oligomenorrhea, manifests itself as infrequent and usually irregular menstrual bleeding. A woman may menstruate every 40 days or even less often, sometimes up to once a year. We have no idea how Joanne Rowling would call it.

Atypical Clomid uses

Young girls and older women, especially in the period before menopause, can complain about this disease. Most often, doctors diagnose one of two forms of oligomenorrhea – primary (due to congenital defects of the reproductive system, during puberty) and secondary (often due to stress or abortions, at an older age).

A disease can lead to infertility, but in itself causes a lot of trouble, too. For example, a woman may complain of weight gain, the appearance of “unnecessary” hair on the body, and severe acne. In any case, better consult a physician and pass necessary medical exams as soon as possible. Remind your doctor of atypical Clomid uses.

Use of the drug for Stein-Leventhal syndrome (polycystic ovary syndrome)

Doctors often prescribe this remedy for violation of ovarian function, or PCOS, or Stein-Leventhal syndrome. How to understand that you may be suffering from this syndrome?

Here are the main symptoms:

  • Irregular, rare menstruation or the complete absence of ovulation and, accordingly, menstrual bleeding.
  • Too heavy, or vice versa, or painful menstruation.
  • Diagnosed or suspected infertility.
  • An increased level of androgens in the blood, which is easy to notice not only by the hormone testing, but also by the signs of masculinization. Particularly, a woman can notice that the hair on the head falls out, and on the body, on the contrary, grows like in men. In addition, sometimes the voice changes, the clitoris enlargers, the skin condition worsens (acne, wrinkles, stretch marks). Moreover, often, sex drive increases dramatically. Also, mind the so-called male-pattern obesity, when fat concentrates in the abdomen.
  • Chronic pain in the lower abdomen or lower back.
  • Long periods with symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (pain, swelling, sudden mood swings, irritability).
  • Multiple ovarian cysts, a noticeable increase in ovarian size, endometrium changes. A woman should pass a number of medical tests to identify these symptoms.
  • Changing parameters of blood tests. Without a visit to a specialist, a patient may never know about it. Therefore, we recommend paying attention to the symptoms mentioned above. If you suspect PCOS, better see a doctor and start treatment ASAP.

Other atypical Clomid uses – not only in women but also in men

Here we list the most amazing ways to successfully use the drug for the treatment of various diseases and for other purposes:

  • Galactorrhea or Chiari-Frommel syndrome (abnormal production of breast milk, not associated with feeding). You might be surprised, but this unpleasant condition happens both in women and in men. If the disease is not caused by cancer, a doctor may prescribe Clomid.
  • Oligospermia, or oligozoospermia, or just low sperm count, which most often leads to infertility in men. However, with proper treatment, a patient has great chances of recovery and becoming a dad.
  • The atypical Clomid uses include the fight against uterine bleeding. Please mind that in this case you cannot self-medicate. Consult a specialist and take pills under medical control.
  • In addition, bodybuilders and some other athletes love this medicine. Due to its properties, the substance eliminates the so-called “aromatization” – side effects from taking anabolic steroids. In other words, the drug corrects the level of estrogen in the male body, preventing “feminization”.

446 thoughts on “Atypical Clomid uses: What else does it treat besides infertility?”

  1. We have been using clomid for almost six months, there is no result. My doctor says it’s okay. Has anyone had such an experience?

    1. first, you’d better take breaks between corses, kinda every three months. regarding your question: yep, that’s fine, some women concieve in a year or more after starting this kind of really effective therapy (but, once more, only in case you follow the instructions). good luck!

  2. I read a lot of information on the internet and consulted a doctor. For some reason, the doctors split into two camps! Two doctors have recommended Clomid and two are suggesting a different drug. I’m at a loss.

    1. Do you have an attending physician? What he says? You have to clarify why some doctors are against it? Perhaps this is a mistake, you should choose one doctor and follow his instructions, and you have gathered 10 doctors around you, naturally, opinions will differ. If the treatment of the first doctor does not help, then only then you need to change the specialist, but taking their advice right away is not a smart decision.

  3. after therapy for almost a year and a half, we finally succeeded! I’m happy. Thank you for the fast delivery of Clomid even in a pandemic!

  4. I gave up a year and a half ago. But a miracle happened and Clomid worked! Thank you very much, I will soon become a mother!

  5. We bought Clomid from your link last year, I didn’t even hope, and today my wife told me that she is pregnant!!! THANKS!

  6. Yesterday I told my husband that I was pregnant! I couldn’t believe it! The first course of Clomid did not help. The doctor advised therapy and a second course. and here is the result. I am happy and wish you all the same

  7. what is happening with the global banking system? I can’t pay for anything online. how to buy clomid on your site, explain!

  8. I also have a positive experience of stimulation. I hesitated for a long time, but my doctor persuaded me.

  9. I accidentally stumbled upon this site. looking for information for a friend. I want to say that Clomid helped me only after the 3rd course, although the doctors said that there was no hope

  10. Since each organism is individual, Clomid helps someone after the first course, someone after the second, and someone does not help at all. You need to combine different methods of therapy and then everything will be fine!

  11. My friend took two courses of Clomid and nothing worked. Her doctor told her that she needed to change her approach to treatment. She still passed the third course and became pregnant!

  12. Today I started a course of Clomid on the recommendation of a doctor. Looking forward to reading your blog. Thanks for the articles and information.

  13. Are there analogues? Why is everyone using Clomid? Advise what other pills can be used since Clomid did not help me!

    1. Go to any online pharmacy and check for clomiphene. And it’s better to ask your doctor what exactly is better for you to use, since Clomid did not help.

  14. write an article where you can see the statistics on clomid. for example, what percentage of patients succeeded after the first course

  15. My wife completed 2 cycles of Clomid and now we are expecting a baby! These are truly unique pills!

  16. Clomid helped my friend after the first cycle. I took two courses and it does not help me. But when I read the stories in the comments, I don’t lose hope.

  17. I have a strange story. Clomid did not help after 2 courses of therapy. Then the doctor recommended me a third course. I didn’t believe it, but it worked!

  18. The doctor said to use Clomid, but he estimates the success rate is only 20%, has anyone had the same situation? Should we expect a miracle?

  19. The large number of success stories of conceiving when using Clomid inspires me. I’m waiting and hoping.

  20. Remember that Clomid cannot be used more than 5-6 times (stimulation cycles)! With overstimulation, an early menopause is possible. In addition, it has an anti-estrogenic effect, which affects the composition of cervical mucus, which becomes difficult for spermatozoa, so for example, I drank sage in the first phase of the cycle. I have only been stimulated once so far, pregnancy has not occurred, but there was a delay of 5 days (although I don’t have any delays at all). You can read about side effects in the annotation, I had nothing.

  21. I completed my first cycle of Clomid. I was very worried because I could not get pregnant. My doctor said not to be nervous and after the second course everything worked out. My husband and I are expecting a baby!

  22. My doctor prescribed a course of clomid. I took pills for 2 days and got sick! I have a fever right now. Is it possible to take clomid at a temperature?

  23. My twins are 13 years old! And I dream of becoming a mom again, I’m 43 years old. Thanks to Clomid, my Boy and Girl were born!

  24. Girls, I hope for your help! I passed tests for hormones – TSH is slightly elevated and progesterone is lowered, yesterday I was at my gynecologist and the doctor prescribed clomid stimulation from this cycle. But it seems strange to me, if there is stimulation, then why don’t they prescribe something to increase progesterone?! Maybe someone has already had the experience of taking this medicine? If progesterone is lowered and if you get pregnant, then there is a threat of miscarriage! I read about these pills on the Internet, it’s better not to take them more than six times all the time, they cause ovarian exhaustion, is that true?

  25. I have thyroid problems and take synthroid as prescribed by my doctor. My gynecologist has now prescribed Clomid. How do these two drugs interact with each other? who had the experience? my doctor said that you can use them together and there is no danger, but I’m worried.

  26. There were problems in our family, and we tried to conceive for about 2 years, so I started taking Clomid. I took the pill 2 days before my period, in my opinion, 6 days in a row, and then two weeks later, it turned out! Now I have a beautiful baby girl due in 2 weeks. I am very happy

    1. Congratulations to you! I just started waiting for this miracle. Yesterday I started a course of clomid (for the first time)

  27. Are there really only women here? I have a question for men – how do I know that testosterone levels are low? I have heard that clomid helps in this case.

  28. In August, I was prescribed 100mg of clomid, and I took it on the 3rd-7th day of my cycle. I just found out I’m pregnant! There is no doubt that this medicine has worked. I’m so glad to finally become a mom.

    1. Such good reviews keep me hopeful. I am on my third cycle of Clomid. I hope that after completing the course, I will also be able to write such a comment!

  29. I have a question about everyone’s favorite clomid, which is prescribed several cycles in a row in some clinics: tell us about its benefits and its harm, opinions on this matter are very different.

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