Atypical Clomid uses: What else does it treat besides infertility?

Most often, doctors prescribe this medication to treat female infertility of almost any origin. It is really very effective if your goal is conception. However, let us talk about other, atypical Clomid uses. But first, let’s recall the main reasons to consult a doctor for a prescription for this antiestrogen. First of all, specialists prescribe this drug for the treatment of infertility in women of almost any age. It stimulates ovulation, and, if used correctly, quickly leads to a long-awaited pregnancy.

Prescription for amenorrhea and disease variations

We cannot say these are atypical Clomid uses. Actually, the absence of menstruation or too rare bleeding can lead to difficulties in conception.

Amenorrhea, or oligomenorrhea, manifests itself as infrequent and usually irregular menstrual bleeding. A woman may menstruate every 40 days or even less often, sometimes up to once a year. We have no idea how Joanne Rowling would call it.

Atypical Clomid uses

Young girls and older women, especially in the period before menopause, can complain about this disease. Most often, doctors diagnose one of two forms of oligomenorrhea – primary (due to congenital defects of the reproductive system, during puberty) and secondary (often due to stress or abortions, at an older age).

A disease can lead to infertility, but in itself causes a lot of trouble, too. For example, a woman may complain of weight gain, the appearance of “unnecessary” hair on the body, and severe acne. In any case, better consult a physician and pass necessary medical exams as soon as possible. Remind your doctor of atypical Clomid uses.

Use of the drug for Stein-Leventhal syndrome (polycystic ovary syndrome)

Doctors often prescribe this remedy for violation of ovarian function, or PCOS, or Stein-Leventhal syndrome. How to understand that you may be suffering from this syndrome?

Here are the main symptoms:

  • Irregular, rare menstruation or the complete absence of ovulation and, accordingly, menstrual bleeding.
  • Too heavy, or vice versa, or painful menstruation.
  • Diagnosed or suspected infertility.
  • An increased level of androgens in the blood, which is easy to notice not only by the hormone testing, but also by the signs of masculinization. Particularly, a woman can notice that the hair on the head falls out, and on the body, on the contrary, grows like in men. In addition, sometimes the voice changes, the clitoris enlargers, the skin condition worsens (acne, wrinkles, stretch marks). Moreover, often, sex drive increases dramatically. Also, mind the so-called male-pattern obesity, when fat concentrates in the abdomen.
  • Chronic pain in the lower abdomen or lower back.
  • Long periods with symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (pain, swelling, sudden mood swings, irritability).
  • Multiple ovarian cysts, a noticeable increase in ovarian size, endometrium changes. A woman should pass a number of medical tests to identify these symptoms.
  • Changing parameters of blood tests. Without a visit to a specialist, a patient may never know about it. Therefore, we recommend paying attention to the symptoms mentioned above. If you suspect PCOS, better see a doctor and start treatment ASAP.

Other atypical Clomid uses – not only in women but also in men

Here we list the most amazing ways to successfully use the drug for the treatment of various diseases and for other purposes:

  • Galactorrhea or Chiari-Frommel syndrome (abnormal production of breast milk, not associated with feeding). You might be surprised, but this unpleasant condition happens both in women and in men. If the disease is not caused by cancer, a doctor may prescribe Clomid.
  • Oligospermia, or oligozoospermia, or just low sperm count, which most often leads to infertility in men. However, with proper treatment, a patient has great chances of recovery and becoming a dad.
  • The atypical Clomid uses include the fight against uterine bleeding. Please mind that in this case you cannot self-medicate. Consult a specialist and take pills under medical control.
  • In addition, bodybuilders and some other athletes love this medicine. Due to its properties, the substance eliminates the so-called “aromatization” – side effects from taking anabolic steroids. In other words, the drug corrects the level of estrogen in the male body, preventing “feminization”.

446 thoughts on “Atypical Clomid uses: What else does it treat besides infertility?”

  1. Hello, girls, I had sudden mood swings while taking Clomid, and after taking an ovarian cyst, but it resolved itself during pregnancy. Has anyone experienced a similar effect?

  2. I have great news! Everything worked out after the first course of Clomid! I’m waiting for the birth of a child

  3. And where can I read about the successful use of Clomid? I’m interested in the percentage of successfully completed courses. Does such a study exist? If yes, please share the link. My friend assures me that the percentage of successful therapy is only 50%

  4. Many people have told me that Clomid won’t help after 40. But he helped me! I am very grateful to your site for useful information.

  5. I don’t understand people who don’t even try Clomid. If there is even a small chance that Clomid will help you get pregnant, this chance should be used, and not look at the statistics!

  6. There is an opinion of doctors that if Clomid did not help after 2 courses, then you should stop trying and change the treatment regimen. Clomid helped me get pregnant after 4 cycles!

    1. Yes, this happens, but it’s more of an exception than the rule. In any case, you should never lose hope, and if Clomid does not help, then you can try something else.

  7. Yesterday I found statistics on the Internet, but unfortunately I don’t remember the site where I read it. According to these statistics, Clomid helps in a very large percentage of cases!

  8. Many write that Clomid helped to get pregnant, but what about those who did not help Clomid? Write an article about alternative therapies and how to induce ovulation without using Clomid

  9. One of the most common infertility treatments is ovulation induction with Clomid, which is much cheaper than assisted reproductive technology. At the same time, the effectiveness of ovulation stimulation schemes is about 60-70%. Do you think the success rate is really just over half?

  10. I want to share my happiness with you. I bought Clomid on your recommendation and it helped me! There are already many such messages, but let there be one more. My husband and I are expecting a baby and I am happy! Thank you for that!

  11. Girls! Help! I had my first stimulation at the doctor’s this month. On the 3rd-7th day I drank Clomid 2 tablets, then folliculometry, on the 16th DC they made an injection of ovitrel and I flew to Canada to wait for pregnancy, but alas ((

    Before departure, the doctor said that if pregnancy does not occur, go for an ultrasound on 1-2 DC to see if cysts have formed, I went for an ultrasound. The doctor looked and said that the endometrium is thin (5 millimeters maximum) and did not see the corpus luteum. After that, he began to very actively persuade me not to carry out the second stimulation with Clomid, he said that I was young and everything would work out for me. He said to drink the time factor for half a year and be tracked on the ultrasound. What to do?

  12. According to the hypothesis, clomiphene directly stimulates the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian system, which in turn affects the gynothalamic-pituitary system. This hypothesis is supported by clinical data showing the possibility of an increase in estrogen release after clomiphene administration without a prior increase in FSH. This hypothesis is also confirmed in experimental studies.

  13. My doctor said that ovulation occurs most often 5 days after the last dose of clomiphene citrate, however, in many women, ovulation can occur between days 10 and 23 of the cycle, so in such cases it is important to monitor the development of the follicles with ultrasound.

    1. It has been discussed many times here that you should not take Clomid for more than two cycles. If a course of Clomid does not help, then there is no point in continuing to use it, you need to look for other treatment options.

  14. There are stories of people whom Clomid helped only after the 4th course. Everything is individual. You should not read someone else’s opinion on the Internet, you need to consult a doctor and experiment. And everything will work out. Good luck and good mood everyone!

  15. Ovulation induction uses hormonal therapy to stimulate egg development and release, or ovulation. Historically, these drugs were designed to induce ovulation in women who did not ovulate on their own — typically women with irregular menstrual cycles. The goal was to produce a single, healthy egg.

  16. I was diagnosed with PCOS and struggled to conceive, used Clomid 100mg in June 2020 after trying to conceive for 10 years. I am 32 years old and with happy tears after the 1st try I got 3 positive tests two DAYS AGO. I’m at a loss after trying for 10 years since my wedding in 2010. I lost hope. Please try the original English brand.

  17. This is where I start stimulating. The doctor prescribed Clomid from 5 to 9 DC. 1/4 tablet in the evening. Who, what can say about the drug, who helped Clomid? I really want to get it right the first time. I asked the doctor why not Clostibelgit, He said that Clostibelgit used to be good, but now the quality has become worse. What do you say? Of course, Clomid helps a lot, I just want opinions on Clomid. I wish you all good health and get pregnant without going through stimulations, surgeries, etc…

    1. These questions are best asked by your doctor. You can’t draw conclusions from other people’s opinions. Every case is unique, and what works for one woman may not necessarily work for another. Talk to your doctor is my advice.

  18. It seems to me that reviews of Clomid are rather scarce, but most of the women who took it according to indications were satisfied with the result. I have seen isolated reports of pain in the lower abdomen after a course of Clomid.

  19. Clomid was prescribed to me by a Reproductologist in order to spur the maturation of eggs and ovulation. This drug helped me a lot. I took Clomid from the 5th day of the menstrual cycle for 5 days at 50mg, and the next cycle also from the 5th day, but already at 100mg. This is how I got pregnant. I just noticed that the second time I took it, I had a severe headache. It may have coincided, but the instructions say that this is a common side effect.

  20. Many participants in this chat promised to continue their stories, where are they? Clomid helped me too! The first time. I will describe the whole process in full in the near future, now there is a lot of work.

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