Bodybuilding and childbearing functions: Let’s try to understand this poorly lit topic. First of all, if you are engaged in bodybuilding as an amateur and without the use of hormones, then you can only talk about the positive aspects associated with the conception of children. Because all you can get from training in the gym is only health and sexuality.
A man is “responsible” for the sex of the unborn child. Fertilizes the egg with a sperm cell with chromosome XX, it will be a girl, and if with chromosome XY, it will be a boy. Observations have shown that boys ‘spermatozoa are “faster” than girls’ spermatozoa, but they die faster (XY-spermatozoa live for several hours, and XX-for several days). Therefore, if the sexual act occurred at the moment when the egg is fully mature (alkaline environment), then there is a greater chance that a nimble boy will “run” to it faster. And if sexual intercourse occurred before the egg is fully mature (acidic environment), then it is more likely that it will be fertilized by the XX-sperm-long-lived.
It is statistically known that the frequency of male births is higher at the first birth and decreases at subsequent births. The younger the future parents, the more likely they are to conceive a boy, and vice versa. In the offspring of bald men, there are one and a half times more boys.
In addition, it is known that children of the weather are more often of the same sex, and if the interval between births is about three years, then in most cases children of the opposite sex are born. If pregnancy occurs shortly after an abortion, girls are more likely to be born.
Bodybuilding and childbearing functions: Steroids and Children
It is not entirely clear how clomid will act on a woman in the case of bodybuilding, do Bodybuilding and childbearing functions affect her? There are many opinions on this topic.
In principle, testosterone itself is a very natural thing for the male body. And they are afraid of some pathologies, I would not. I have a lot of friends who conceived children on the course and everything was always good. For example, the risk of getting unhealthy offspring is much greater if you sometimes drink beer or any other alcoholic beverage because it is possible to damage your germ cells. And if a man has a complete replacement of the sex cells every three months, then women do not have this in principle, and drinking wine, champagne, and even more vodka is a game of”Russian roulette”. Any gram can be fatal for the cell that will be used during pregnancy and then a freak will be born.

However, it is important to know that anabolic steroids are inherently male contraceptives. In fact, it is to prevent unwanted pregnancy that they are often prescribed in many European countries. Experiments show that after a couple of months of using artificial sex hormones (AS), sperm activity drops to zero. You can have sex as before without the risk of an unwanted pregnancy of your girlfriend. That’s all good. But there is one caveat. I was asked recently: why do chemical athletes have a problem with conceiving a boy (girls are most often born). The answer is quite obvious – during the course ( in the first few months until complete sterilization has occurred) and for some time after the course (until spermatogenesis has not recovered at the proper level), the athlete has a low level and motility of sperm. You remember that the boy’s sperm are more nimble and live less. And girls, on the contrary, are slower and live longer. In conditions when spermatozoa are sedentary and there are few of them, it is the more tenacious and slower female spermatozoa that get the advantage. All this leads to a higher probability of conceiving a girl and not a boy. How to increase the probability of having a boy?
There are several ways to increase the probability of conceiving a boy. All of them are associated with facilitating the fertilization of a female egg. After all, the faster your sperm reach the uterus, the more likely it is that a boy will be born, not a girl.
First, your girl must accurately calculate the time of maturation of her egg, in order to conceive a boy on this day. Here it is important not to make a mistake with the day. How do I do this? It is necessary that the girl for three cycles every day measured the temperature (preferably rectally). The peak temperature falls on ovulation, so if conception occurred on a day – to-day basis, it will be a boy, and if it takes 5-3 days, it will be a girl.
Secondly, it is desirable to do more of what men often do not particularly like to do. I mean the foreplay. For what? For a female orgasm. Have you ever wondered why and why a woman experiences an orgasm? I explain, these most convulsive contractions of female pisi are nothing more than a way to quickly deliver your sperm to the uterus. That is why cheating wives often get pregnant from lovers ( with whom there is an orgasm), and not from husbands (with whom they pretend)
Third, this is dogistyle. Who did not understand gru in Russian: put her cancer! This is also one of the mechanical ways to get your sperm into the uterus easier and faster.
Fourth, do not use lubricants, all sorts of grease and even the saliva at the time of conception of the child. All this interferes with and slows down the work of your sperm.
Fifthly, you can list many other things. Do not smoke – the smoker’s sperm is less mobile, and the cigarettes themselves negatively affect the erection. Don’t use drugs for the same reasons. . In addition, cocaine and opiates cause impotence, and amphetamines reduce sexual desire. Do not use the sauna. If you are more than half an hour in the water, the temperature of which is above 40° C, the number of healthy and mobile spermatozoa decreases. From the sauna, the effect is the same. Do not wear tight underwear made of synthetic fabrics. Because the temperature of the scrotum should be a degree less than the rest of the body.