Why is it not always possible to get pregnant during ovulation?

When a couple starts planning to conceive a baby, the first few unsuccessful attempts can cause a lot of questions — why pregnancy does not occur, because partners try to conduct sexual acts during this, the most favorable fertile female period. In fact, this is a normal situation, the reasons for which may be quite natural. But also pathological prerequisites are not excluded.

General information

Ovulation is a short period of the female menstrual cycle when a Mature egg comes out of the dominant follicle into the fallopian tube. A set of germ cells in an immature state in girls is available even when the baby is in the womb. Then, during life, part of the first — order oocytes die, and part is spent on ensuring the cyclical work of the female body. Each month, one (rarely more) follicles ripen, which break in the middle of the cycle under the influence of hormones, releasing an oocyte ready for fertilization by a sperm.

Ovulation lasts about an hour, and then for another day the egg retains the ability to be fertilized.

If during these days the meeting with the male sex cell does not occur, the oocyte dies, descends into the uterus and comes out with menstrual bleeding along with endometrial particles that have grown under the influence of progesterone in the second phase of the female cycle in anticipation of a fertilized egg.

Female fertility (the ability to reproduce) is largely due to the ovulatory process, and the probability of conceiving a child on the days of ovulation is maximum. But the maximum is not 100%. According to who, female fertility during ovulation depends on age, its highest value is no more than 33% in women under 25 years of age, no more than 25% in women under 30 years of age. Reproductologists say that these figures are somewhat inflated, and the real probability of conceiving a child for the first time in one cycle in healthy women and men does not exceed 11% at the age of 20-25 years. Naturally, after 35 years, the probability does not exceed 4-7%, and after 40 years — 3%.

This is due to the deterioration of the genetic material of the female germ cells, and if the partner is age-related, then his germ cells are probably not of excellent quality. These statistics are not a cause for concern. About 60% of married couples get pregnant safely within six months, and another 30% of couples see positive pregnancy test results within a year.

In about 25% of cases, even if sexual intercourse was performed exactly during the fertile window, conception does not occur, and the reasons for this have not yet been established by geneticists and doctors. In addition, in almost half of cases of family infertility, poor sperm quality plays a decisive role.

why it is not always possible to get pregnant during ovulation

Conditions for successful conception

To find the answer to the question of why a woman can not get pregnant during ovulation with the first or second baby, you need to make sure that the couple correctly approaches planning and meets all the conditions for successful conception.

A woman is ovulating

The fact is that every lady in the course of life there are “empty” anovulatory cycles. The older a woman gets, the greater the number of such cycles per year (compare — in 20 years, anovulatory cycles are usually 1-2 per year, and in 35 years — up to 5-6). Ovulation can also occur late or earlier, and this scenario can be triggered by stress, a cold, a trip, or a flight.

In order to answer the question of whether the egg is released at all, you can use home ovulation tests: when they show two stripes, it’s time to start active actions.

The accuracy of home tests is lower than laboratory tests, and you can visit a doctor to do an ovarian ultrasound on day 5-6 of the cycle immediately after your period. And closer to the middle of the cycle, you can do a blood test for luteinizing hormone. Its sharp jump indicates the approach of ovulation.

The man is healthy and capable of conception

A simple analysis — spermogram will help significantly reduce the time and nervous costs when planning a baby. If the quality of a man’s germ cells leaves much to be desired, the probability of fertilization is significantly reduced, and the risk of conceiving a child with genetic abnormalities or chromosomal errors increases.

In this case, you first need to improve the quality of sperm by taking vitamins, giving up bad habits, visiting the bath and sauna. And only after three months (this is how long spermatogenesis lasts) to start the exciting process of “catching” ovulation.

Sexual acts occur during the fertile window

Spermatozoa live longer than the egg (up to 3-4 days), they are quite capable of “waiting” for the egg to come out already in the fallopian tube, and therefore it is recommended to start having sex 3-4 days before ovulation and do it a day later up to 2-3 days after ovulation, refusing to use contraception, douching, and lubricants.

With moderate frequency of sexual contact, a man’s sperm will be of optimal quality, which will help to conceive a baby faster.

The couple is in the right psychological state

Any stress increases the production of stress hormones, which partially block the production of sex hormones. That is why it is often impossible to get pregnant, even if the sperm is of normal quality and ovulation is present. Doctors have long noticed that conception occurs most quickly in the first year of a couple’s life together, while the feelings are fresh. If you turn sexual acts into a sports attraction with the sole purpose of conceiving, the probability of successful conception decreases.

A woman who every month with trepidation waits for two stripes on the test, can not be distracted by anything else, switch, is in a state of chronic stress, and the probability of conception itself becomes several orders of magnitude lower.

why it is not always possible to get pregnant during ovulation

Possible reasons for the lack of conception

A variety of factors can affect the ability of male and female cells to merge, and not all of them have been studied in detail by doctors and scientists. But even those that are known are quite enough to understand that conception is a delicate matter.

It’s mostly about the health of the partners. A woman’s probability of conception is reduced not only by age, but also by bad habits, living in an area with unfavorable environmental factors, working at night, professional contact with radiation, paints and varnishes, and toxins. And even if there is ovulation, it is not a fact that the oocyte will be of good quality and fertilization will be successful.

The male fertility factor can be affected by the habit of wearing tight underwear and trousers, which disrupt blood circulation in the scrotum and increase its temperature. The habit of steaming in the bath, turning on car seat heating also affects the quality of sperm.

We can’t even imagine how many conceptions we’ve missed in our lives! After all, sometimes pregnancy “breaks down” at the very initial stage — the fetal egg cannot descend into the uterus, implantation does not occur, because of a genetic error, it stops developing and growing and dies. In this case, your monthly period may arrive a little late. And a woman will never know that conception did take place.

The reason for the absence of pregnancy with strict adherence to the rules of successful conception can be any gynecological pathology — obstruction of the fallopian tubes, inflammation in the uterus, ovarian dysfunction. Often, doctors also diagnose hormonal infertility, in which the level of hormones in the female body does not allow her to be pregnant (progesterone or estrogen deficiency). Often, ovulation does not occur, and if it does, the level of natural hormonal support may not be sufficient to ensure the survival of the embryo in the very first days after conception.

In men, the cause may be hidden in varicocele, prostatitis, and sexual infections, many of which occur without pronounced symptoms, and therefore can not be immediately noticed by the carrier.

We should also talk about antisperm antibodies that produce the immune system of a man or woman. The immune defense simply perceives spermatozoa as foreign objects, and throws all its forces at their speedy destruction. In this case, sperm die in the body of a man, if he has antisperm antibodies, or die before reaching the egg, if such immune cells are produced in a woman.

The immune system can react to sperm this way for some reasons. For example, a man underwent surgery on the genitals, there was an injury, a bruise of the genitals, and individual germ cells, getting not where they should be, caused an aggressive immune response. In women, this form of infertility develops due to excessive passion for anal sex with ejaculation in the rectum, as well as when swallowing sperm during oral contact. This is one of the most difficult types of infertility to treat.

What to do?

Whatever your ideas about your own fertility, it’s best to start planning a pregnancy by going to the doctor. A woman needs to be examined by a gynecologist, put her own weight in order (even losing 5% of the original body weight increases the likelihood of conception). It is also important for a man to pay attention to his diet, bad habits and make a spermogram.

A simple and quick survey will allow the couple to plan more constructively for adding to the family, to know exactly the “weak” sides of each other. Let’s just say that there are almost no insurmountable situations. Even if some abnormalities are detected, in 96% of cases, after correctly selected treatment, the problem is eliminated, and the couple can begin to successfully plan the baby.

The remaining 3% of couples will be helped by methods of assisted reproductive medicine — IVF, ICSI, egg donation, sperm donation.

A trip to a psychotherapist is inevitable in psychogenic infertility, when the cause lies in severe stress, emotions, and fears. After eliminating these feelings, the couple usually manages to conceive a baby without any problems.

Clomid (clomiphene) or nolvadex (tamoxifen), which is better?

In this article, we will try to resolve doubts about the choice between two drugs, as well as find differences: clomid or nolvadex.

Clomiphene citrate (available in pharmacies under the brand name Clomid) and tamoxifen (trade name Nolvadex) are antiestrogens belonging to the same group of triphenylethylenes. They are structurally similar and classified as selective estrogen receptor modulators with mixed agonistic and antagonistic properties. This means that in certain tissues they block the action of estrogen by binding to receptors, while in other tissues they can act like real estrogen by activating receptors. In men, both drugs act as antiestrogens in their ability to interfere with the negative feedback of estrogens to the hypothalamus and stimulate increased production of GnRH (gonadoliberin). As a result, the production of the luteinizing hormone prolactin and the follicle-stimulating hormone by the pituitary gland will be increased, which in turn can increase the production of testosterone by the testicles. Both drugs do this, but for some reason, bodybuilders continue to think that only clomid is good for stimulating testosterone.

bodybuilders: clomid or nolvadex?

Research conducted in the late 70s at the University of Ghent in Belgium clarifies the benefits of nolvadex over clomid in increasing testosterone levels. The researchers looked at the effect of nolvadex and clomid on the endocrine system of healthy men, as well as those who suffered from a small number of sperm (oligospermia). It was also found that Nolvadex, when used for 10 days at a dosage of 20 mg per day, increased serum testosterone levels by 142% from the initial level, which was comparable to the effect of 150 mg of clomid per day over the same time period (the increase in testosterone levels was slightly, but not significantly, more with clomid). We must remember that this is the effect of three 50mg clomid tablets. With approximately the same price of 50mg of clomid and 20mg of nolvadex, we already see a difference in the price / result ratio in favor of nolvadex.

Differences between clomid and nolvadex

Clomid acts on estrogen receptors in the pituitary gland and ovaries. By binding estrogen receptors in the pituitary gland, clomid breaks the negative feedback mechanism, i.e. if usually estrogens, acting on the pituitary gland, reduce the production of FSH and LH, this does not happen when taking clomid. Clomid does not directly affect the level of estrogens in the blood.

Nolvadex also does not affect the level of estrogens in the blood, because its mechanism of action is also reduced to the blockade of estrogen receptors, including in the pituitary gland. However, clomid is a more selective (selective) blocker, while nolvadex is less selective. While clomid binds to estrogen receptors primarily in the pituitary gland and testicles, nolvadex binds to them almost throughout the body. The exception is bone tissue, where clomid and tamoxifen, on the contrary, activate estrogen receptors.

Thus, clomid acts as an antagonist of estrogens and eliminates their depressing effect on the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, contributing to a faster recovery of their function. Nolvadex blocks receptors in almost all tissues, and also helps the body begin to restore its own testosterone. It is important to note that nolvadex is able to block estrogen receptors in the pituitary gland to a lesser extent than clomid.

Clomiphene and tamoxifen do not affect the metabolism of estrogenic hormones, so against the background of taking these drugs, estrogens continue to be destroyed by liver enzymes, and do not accumulate in the body.

Tamoxifen has disadvantages: it is quite toxic (sometimes it is manifested by loss of appetite and nausea, and the risk of thrombosis increases). Tamoxifen increases the number of progesterone receptors, so it can not be used if the course is based on progestin drugs (nandrolone, trenbolone). In this case, you should use clomiphene.

Clomid: common fault

  • Both drugs inhibit the production of insulin-like growth factor-1
  • Directly inhibit the function of the testicles
  • Increase sex hormone binding globulin
  • Increase the concentration of estrogens several times
  • Cause visual impairment with prolonged use
  • In some cases, when using Clomid for a month at a dosage of 25 mg per day, after 2 weeks after the end of the course, there was a decrease in total testosterone by 16-17% (while there was a decrease in estradiol by 13.5%)
  • It is important to understand that in some people, the pituitary-hypothalamus-testicular arch (GGT) may not respond to stimulation with Clomid (clomiphene) or nolvadex (tamoxifen)

It is most rational to use aromatase inhibitors during the course, among which Proviron is especially popular, since this drug does not negatively affect the secretion of growth hormone and increases the concentration of anabolic hormones in the blood by suppressing aromatization. In the last week of the course and 2 weeks after, Tamoxifen should be used as the main component of PCT in the absence of Proviron, the start of Nolvadex administration falls on the 2nd week of the steroid cycle, and ends 2-3 weeks after the end of the cycle, the average dose is 10-20 mg per day. I would like to pay special attention to the common misconception that antiestrogens are recommended to drink after a cycle. The level of estrogens increases at the end of the first week of the cycle, so it is from this moment that you need to start taking!

About ovulation tests

All couples who want to have a child know that you can only conceive a child on the day of ovulation. Gynecologists say that ovulation occurs in the female body from about 12 to 16 days of the cycle. However, due to some reasons (stress, climate change, hormonal failures, etc.), ovulation may shift for several days, and occur at the beginning of the cycle, or at the end of the cycle. In addition, the time of follicle development may differ not only in several different women, but even in the same one — in different cycles. This is confirmed by the planning moms themselves, who determine ovulation by tests over several cycles. So how do you determine the right day for conception, how do ovulation tests work? Now we will talk about this in detail.

How ovulation tests work

Each menstrual cycle, a woman Matures one, two or more follicles in the ovaries. As the follicle Matures, female hormones called estrogens are produced in the cells of the follicle. The larger the follicle becomes, the more estrogen its cells produce. The high content of estrogen stimulates a sharp increase in the content of luteinizing hormone, which causes the egg to literally break through the ovarian wall within one to two days after a sharp rise in its level. When the level of these estrogens reaches a level that will be sufficient for ovulation, luteinizing hormone (abbreviated as LH) is released. A small amount of LH is always present in the urine, but 24-36 hours before ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovary), its concentration increases sharply.

ovulation tests

To fertilize an egg, sperm must enter the female body at about the same time as the egg leaves the follicle. It may seem that this is easy to achieve, but we must remember that the egg after leaving the follicle lives for only 24 hours, and the sperm remain able to fertilize it for 3-4 days, less often a week. Thus, sex should occur at the appropriate time, i.e. at ovulation, if the couple is planning to conceive. Without tests, this can sometimes be difficult to achieve.

What day should I start testing?

This day depends on the duration of the menstrual cycle. The first day of the cycle is considered the day when menstruation began. Cycle length — the number of days that have passed from the first day of the last menstruation to the first day of the next. If you have a constant cycle, it is better to start doing tests 17 days before the start of the next menstruation. For example, if your normal cycle length is 34 days, then you should start testing from day 18.

If the normal length of your cycle is 28 days, then you should start testing on the 11th day. If your cycle duration is different, select the shortest cycle for the last 6 months and use its duration to calculate the day when to start testing. To start testing, it is not superfluous to visit an ultrasound, after which, after making sure that the follicle has reached 18-20 mm, you can start testing every day. For convenience, ovulation tests are not sold in a single version, but in the amount of 5, 7 or 10 pieces. For accurate results, it is better to use tests 2 times a day (morning and evening).

When is the best time to use an ovulation test?

The best time for testing is from 10 am to 8 PM, this is the time when LH is produced, so you should stick to this time of the test. At the same time, you should refrain from urinating for at least 3 hours before the test. Avoid excessive fluid intake before starting testing, as this may lead to a decrease in the concentration of LH in the urine and reduce the reliability of the result.

How to perform an ovulation test correctly?

If you are using a digital ovulation test, remove it from the packaging, remove the cap, and place the tip of the test strip in the device module, following the arrows. If everything is done correctly, you will hear a click, and a ready indicator will appear on the test.

digital ovulation test

It is not recommended to perform the test until it lights up. Collect the urine in a jar and immerse the absorbent end of the test in the urine for 15 seconds. Place the receiver on a flat, dry, clean horizontal surface. Wait 4-5 minutes. The ready symbol will start flashing on the device, and you can see the result on the display in a few minutes.

If you use a test strip, then you need to open the bag, get the strip and lower it into a pre-prepared container with urine. The test strip should be lowered for 10-20 seconds to the specified “Max” mark. Next, the test strip should be placed on a flat surface. The result should be evaluated at room temperature in 5 minutes, but not later than 10 minutes after the start of the procedure. The test strip is only used for one-time use.

Digital ovulation test results

To determine the exact result, compare the color intensity (lighter or darker) of the test strip with the control strip. The digital ovulation test is convenient for recognizing the result, which can be one of three and is indicated on the screen.

An empty circle indicates that there is no LH release yet, or its presence is insignificant and you need to continue monitoring the surge using tests.

Smiley-indicates the highest PH value. The cell is already on its way or about to be released. Sexual acts can be safely planned for this and the next day.

The results of the test strips for ovulation

First, it is important to determine which line on the test is the control line and which is the test line. The control card always appears, regardless of the presence of ovulation, it shows that the test is correct and the test was performed correctly. The test line (second) indicates the presence of LH in the urine.

Look at the test, if there is a second pale bar — the test is negative, the release of LH has not yet occurred, and testing needs to continue. If, after testing correctly for several days, you have not found the second bright stripe, then the cycle is anovulatory. There are several reasons for this: stressful situations, sudden climate change, the use of powerful medications, the postpartum period, breast-feeding, premenopause, active physical activity, etc.

A positive test is a bright stripe the same as the control one or even brighter. A positive test means that you will ovulate within 24-36 hours.

The most appropriate time for conception begins from the moment when You have determined that the release of LH has already occurred. In this case, the release of LH occurred on the 15th day of the cycle and if sexual intercourse occurs in the next two days, the chance of getting pregnant will be maximum. Once you have determined that the release of LH has already occurred, there is no need to continue testing, the tests will start to fade.

Signs and symptoms of ovulation, feelings of a woman (part 2)

Today we publish the continuation of the article “Signs and symptoms of ovulation, feelings of a woman”, the first part can be read here

The feeling after ovulation

Some women, especially those who use the calendar method of pregnancy prevention, are interested in symptoms after ovulation. This is how women calculate “safe” days for unwanted pregnancies. These signs are very unusual and may coincide with the early symptoms of pregnancy:

Vaginal discharge

As soon as the egg is released from the main follicle and dies (its life span is 24, maximum 48 hours), the discharge from the genital tract also changes. Vaginal whites lose their transparency, become milky, possibly interspersed with small lumps, sticky and poorly drawn.


Within one to two days after ovulation, discomfort and minor pain in the lower abdomen disappear.


Gradually, sexual desire also fades, since now it makes no sense for spermatozoa to meet with an egg, it has already died.

Basal temperature

If the basal temperature is significantly higher than 37 degrees at the moment of rupture of the Graaf vesicle, then after ovulation it decreases by several tenths of a degree, although it remains above the 37 degree mark. This sign is unreliable, since even with conception, the basal temperature will be above the 37-degree mark. The only difference is that by the end of the second phase (before the start of menstruation), the temperature will drop to 37 degrees or lower.


On the eve and at the time of ovulation, hormonal changes occur in the body, which affects the condition of the skin of the face – acne appears. Once ovulation is complete, the rash gradually disappears.

Ultrasound data

Ultrasound allows you to identify the dominant follicle that has fallen due to the rupture, a small amount of fluid in the post-uterine space, and later the yellow body that is forming. Ultrasound data are most significant in the case of dynamic research (maturation of follicles, determination of the dominant follicle and its subsequent rupture).

Calendar method for determining ovulation

Ovulation is the release of a Mature egg from the ovary. The egg Matures during the menstrual cycle, which is necessary for the preparation of the uterus and the maturation of the egg, the result of which is ovulation. To determine ovulation using the calendar method, you need to know your menstrual cycle for the last few months. Knowing the cycle, you can calculate its length, i.e. the period from the beginning of one month to the beginning of the next. From the total duration of the cycle, 14 days are subtracted. So, if the cycle is 28 days, then subtracting 14 days, we get the 14th day of the cycle, in which the egg can be released from the ovary. For conception during the week before and after ovulation, the couple is recommended to have an active sexual life, preferably with breaks of 1-2 days, in order to have time to Mature the sperm. As already calculated above, the release of a Mature egg occurs somewhere in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

However, every woman may have ovulation shifts a few days later, this may be due to infectious pathologies of the reproductive system; excessive physical exertion; stress and hormonal disorders.

Menstrual cycle

Among the causes of early ovulation, the following can be distinguished: disorders in the balance of estrogen and progesterone hormone; disorders in the adrenal cortex; colds and flu diseases, etc. Such factors may well trigger the onset of early ovulation. In addition, each cause can affect other systems of the female body. Therefore, to avoid this, it is recommended to avoid such factors that may affect ovulation and, as a result, the bearing of a child in the future. Premature ovulation is dangerous if it repeatedly occurs in the female body, in this case, the reasons lie in hormonal failures and other various abnormalities, a woman may need gynecological intervention. In addition, it is possible that pregnancy will not occur for a long time, if only the couple focuses on the middle of the cycle. Or, on the contrary, the onset of an unwanted pregnancy, if the woman is not protected at the beginning of the cycle, again using the calendar method. Over the course of a woman’s life, ovulatory shifts in different directions are periodically observed, so there may be a late release of the egg.

The reasons for late ovulation lie in the following: hormonal disorders in the body; lack of weight, because lack of adipose tissue negatively affects the production of estrogen, provoking a delay in maturation and exit of the female cell; taking emergency contraceptives in the past; gynecological pathologies, infections and lack of menstruation, are also characteristic companions of late egg release. To restore the cycle, a woman needs to undergo a full examination, after which appropriate treatment is prescribed.

After accurate compliance with all medical recommendations, ovulatory processes are normalized, the cycle is restored and a long-awaited pregnancy occurs.

Determination of ovulation by basal body temperature

Basal temperature measurements are performed in the morning, however, it is not advisable to get out of bed before measuring, so prepare a thermometer in the evening. To measure the temperature, you can use both a simple mercury thermometer and an electronic one. Carefully insert the thermometer into the rectum and hold it there for five to seven minutes. Record the measured temperature in the table every day, except for days when a woman has her period. After taking measurements throughout the cycle, you need to build a graph. To build a table, you can specify the days of temperature measurement on the top, and on the left, specify the possible BTT on these days. At the junction of the lines, put points that are connected by a straight line.

On days when there is a sharp increase in body temperature, after its rapid decrease, and ovulation occurs. This jump is explained by the fact that during ovulation, the hormone progesterone is actively produced, which affects the thermoregulation center in the brain. It is its increase that leads to fluctuations in BTT, which increases sharply after the release of a Mature egg. If you notice strong, atypical changes in temperature, or it does not change at all, you need to see a doctor to find the cause, which may be due to estrogen deficiency or other factors. It is easy to create a basal temperature chart using special applications that are placed on some women’s websites or in applications.

This method is available, but not 100% reliable, because there is not always time to measure the temperature, you can also just forget about the measurement, missed days can significantly change the picture and schedule of building the BTT

In addition, factors such as medication, sexual intercourse, climate change, stress, etc. can affect the usual and normal schedule for building BTT. Therefore, for greater confidence in determining day X, an ovulation test that is sold at any pharmacy can help.

Signs and symptoms of ovulation, feelings of a woman (part 1)

For the early onset of pregnancy, it is important to know and be able to determine the days when ovulation occurs, since the conception of a child occurs on such days. This article will describe how to determine the onset of ovulation.

Ovulation is the process of leaving a Mature and fertilized egg from the ovary. The menstrual cycle of a woman is so arranged that in its first phase there is maturation of follicles and eggs in them (normally it is one or two eggs), which at the time of ovulation come out and are ready for fertilization. With the help of the fallopian tube, they enter the uterine cavity, where they merge with the spermatozoa. If this does not happen, then the egg dies, and the second phase of the cycle will help to remove it and prepare the uterine cavity and endometrium for the next attempt.

For the early onset of pregnancy, it is important to know and be able to determine the days when ovulation occurs, since the conception of a child occurs on such days.

ovulation calendar

The egg Matures during the menstrual cycle, which is necessary for the preparation of the uterus and the maturation of the egg, the result of which is ovulation. To determine ovulation using the calendar method, you need to know your menstrual cycle for the last few months. Knowing the cycle, you can calculate its length, i.e. the interval from the beginning of one month to the beginning of the next.

14 days are subtracted from the total duration of the cycle. So, if the cycle is 28 days, then taking away 14 days, we get 14 days of the cycle, in which the egg can exit the ovary. For conception within a week before ovulation and after it, the couple is recommended to have an active sexual life, preferably with breaks of 1-2 days, in order to have time to Mature the spermatozoa. As already calculated above, the release of a Mature egg occurs somewhere in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

Ovulation is the only day when you can get pregnant, without it, the onset of pregnancy is impossible. This is a very fast phase, which ends immediately after the release of a Mature egg from the follicle.

The ovulation cycle is usually divided into several periods: preovulation, ovulation itself, and postovulation. Nature created man so that he could have at least a day to conceive before or after ovulation. Why so? all because if the onset of pregnancy was possible only during ovulation, then there would be much more problems with infertility, and thanks to some life of the egg after ovulation, this period increases, which makes it possible for couples to fertilize and reproduce. In all women who are of reproductive age, there is a fertile period, which implies the time of pregnancy. This time falls on the ovulation itself and 3 days before and 2 days after it. This period is associated with the life of a sperm that lives in a woman’s body for up to five days.

Ovulation in women of childbearing age occurs periodically (every 21-35 days). The frequency of ovulation is regulated by neurohumoral mechanisms, mainly gonadotropins of the anterior pituitary and ovarian follicular hormone. Ovulation is facilitated by the accumulation of follicular fluid and thinning of ovarian tissue located above the protruding pole of the follicle. The constant ovulation rhythm for each woman undergoes changes within 3 months after abortion, within a year after delivery, and after 40 years, when the body is preparing for the pre-menopausal period. Ovulation stops with the onset of pregnancy and after the extinction of menstrual function. Setting the ovulation period is important when choosing the most effective time for fertilization, artificial insemination, and in vitro fertilization.

Signs of ovulation

To determine the day of ovulation, knowledge of its signs will help, for which it is necessary to treat your body with great attention. Of course, ovulation can not always be suspected, because its manifestations are very subjective and sometimes go unnoticed by a woman. But the changes in the hormonal background that occur every month allow you to “calculate” and remember the sensations during ovulation and compare them with the new ones.

Signs of ovulation

Subjective signs

The subjective signs of ovulation are those that a woman feels and only she can tell about. Another name for subjective signs is sensations:

Abdominal pains

One of the first signs of ovulation is considered to be pain in the lower abdomen. On the eve of the rupture of the follicle, a woman may feel, but not necessarily, a slight tingling in the lower abdomen, often on the right or left. This indicates a maximally enlarged and strained dominant follicle that is about to burst. After its rupture, a small wound of several millimeters remains on the ovary shell, which also bothers the woman. This is manifested by minor aching or pulling pains or discomfort in the lower abdomen. Such sensations disappear after a couple of days, but if the pain has not passed or is so acute that it violates the usual lifestyle, you should consult a doctor (ovarian apoplexy is possible).

Mammary glands

There may be soreness or hypersensitivity in the mammary glands, which is associated with hormonal restructuring. FSH production stops and LH synthesis begins, which is reflected in the breast. It is swollen and rough and becomes very sensitive to touch.


Another characteristic subjective sign of approaching and coming ovulation is an increase in libido (sexual desire), which is also due to hormonal changes. It is so predetermined by nature that it ensures the continuation of the genus – once the egg is ready for fertilization, it means that you need to strengthen your sexual desire to increase the probability of sexual contact and subsequent pregnancy.

Aggravation of sensations

On the eve and during ovulation, a woman notes an aggravation of all sensations (increased sensitivity to odors, changes in color perception and taste), which is also explained by hormonal changes. Emotional lability and sudden mood changes (from irritability to fun, from tears to laughter) are not excluded.

Objective sign

Cervix uteri

During the gynecological examination in the ovulatory phase, the doctor may note that the cervix has softened somewhat, the cervical canal has opened slightly, and the neck itself has lifted up.


Swelling of the limbs, most often the legs, indicates a change in the production of FSH to the production of LH and is visible not only to the woman herself, but also to her relatives and the doctor.


When ovulation changes its character and vaginal discharge. If in the first phase of the cycle a woman does not notice spots on her underwear, which is associated with a thick plug that clogs the cervical canal and prevents infectious agents from entering the uterine cavity, then in the ovulatory stage, the discharge changes. The mucus in the cervical canal is liquefied and becomes viscous and viscous, which is necessary to facilitate the penetration of spermatozoa into the uterine cavity. In appearance, the neck mucus resembles egg white, stretches up to 7-10 cm and leaves noticeable spots on the underwear.

Basal temperature

This symptom can only be detected by a woman who regularly keeps a schedule of basal temperature. On the eve of ovulation, there is a slight (0.1-0.2 degrees) decrease in temperature, and during the rupture of the follicle and after the temperature rises and remains above 37 degrees.

What does ovulation feel like?

What does a woman feel during ovulation? Every woman who carefully monitors her female health can clearly tell the time when ovulation is approaching and when it occurs. Among the signs that indicate the approach of ovulation, highlight the nature of the discharge – they become thick, abundant and transparent. Additional symptoms include:

  • discomfort in the lower abdomen
  • breast swelling, mild soreness
  • an increase in basal temperature, if its schedule is determined by a woman
  • sexual desire reaches its maximum

Fortunately, the severity of clinical symptoms of ovulation in most women is so minimal that they do not attach importance to them. Others also note during this period of pain in the lower abdomen on one side, which indicates which ovary ovulated, heaviness in the lower back, which independently disappear after a short period of time. And only a small percentage of women note a pronounced pain symptom that forces them to seek medical help.

We have discussed how to determine ovulation by feeling a little, but it is important to remember that not all women observe such symptoms and this does not allow us to talk about the lack of ovulation in them, because their pain threshold is so high that they level these feelings. You can reliably confirm the presence of ovulation only by measuring basal temperature, conducting ovulation tests, or using ultrasound, which determines the observation of the growth of follicles and the exit from the dominant egg, as well as a sharp change in vaginal secretions allows you to judge the onset or approach of ovulation.

The duration of ovulation

Every woman who plans to give birth to a child should know how many days ovulation lasts in women and by what methods it can be calculated. Ovulation itself involves the release of an egg, ready for fertilization, from the dominant follicle, which breaks under the influence of hormones and in its place a yellow body is formed.

How many days is ovulation in women and how to determine it? All women are interested in this issue at the stage of pregnancy planning, especially if the process of fertilization does not occur for a long time. Everyone knows that pregnancy requires ovulation, and the time of its onset falls in the middle of the menstrual cycle. But, unfortunately, not every woman has a regular menstrual cycle, which allows you to determine its time of onset. Almost every woman who is of reproductive age can become pregnant in the middle of the menstrual cycle for several days. To calculate the time of ovulation you need to use several methods:

  • the standard method is that after two weeks from the first day of menstruation, the probability of ovulation increases, but this is not for everyone. This method works if the menstrual cycle lasts 28 days. If the cycle is longer, then the onset of ovulation occurs later.
  • measurement of basal temperature from the first day of the cycle in compliance with all the requirements, because during ovulation in the body there is a hormonal adjustment, which is characterized by an increase in temperature on the graph and indirectly indicates ovulation. This method can be judged after several months of observation. The onset of the upcoming ovulation can be judged by a sharp decrease in temperature due to hormonal imbalance and its subsequent increase above 37 degrees
  • ovulatory tests make it possible to study ovulation for several days, which is very important when planning a pregnancy

Ovulation lasts on average from 16 to 32 hours, but this is the time of the fertile window, that is, the time when it is possible to fertilize the egg and the onset of pregnancy. The release of a Mature egg itself lasts from a few minutes to a dozen minutes, which was noticed during IVF.

To determine how long ovulation lasts in women, you can use its characteristic signs: increased libido, swelling and swelling of the mammary glands, discomfort in the lower abdomen and lower back, more on the one hand, abundant mucous discharge, sometimes with streaks of blood.

How long ovulation takes depends on the lifetime of the germ cells. A Mature egg that has emerged from the follicle can be fertilized within one or two days, which is always individual. Therefore, if a woman has symptoms of ovulation on one day, then the next two days may also be the onset of ovulation, as well as sexual intercourse three days before it often leads to the onset of pregnancy, because the sperm lives about three days.

How many days is ovulation — each woman can determine by clinical symptoms, and if the vaginal discharge disappears or becomes too thick, pain and swelling of the mammary glands disappear, then we can say that it has passed, and the probability of pregnancy is not.

The period of ovulation in women can fluctuate with inflammatory processes in the reproductive system, with eating disorders, significant physical and mental loads, with severe stress and nervous shocks, with a sharp change in climatic conditions of residence, as well as with active sexual life.

Do not forget that the body can have both early ovulation and late ovulation. Early ovulation is characterized by its early onset and is associated with frequent sexual acts, significant physical activity, strict diets, as well as the presence of diseases that can affect the hormonal background of a woman. Sometimes ovulation comes late, which can also be determined using the tests and techniques that we discussed a little earlier. Due to the presence of ovulation and the regularity of the menstrual cycle, it is possible to indirectly judge a woman’s reproductive age, her probability of pregnancy and gestation. Many women, knowing when they are ovulating, plan a pregnancy or carefully protect themselves from it. The absence of ovulation for 2 or 3 cycles indicates a violation of reproductive health and requires medical attention to correct the hormonal background.

To be continued

Clomid: instructions for use of tablets

Clomid is a non-steroidal medicinal product belonging to the group of antiestrogens. It has a dose-dependent effect on the pituitary gland, which is responsible for the production of sex hormones. The drug is used not only in reproductive medicine, but also in sports and bodybuilding to restore the body’s ability to produce its own hormones.

Clomid: Indications for use

Clomid was developed for:

  • Stimulation of ovulation in women suffering from anovulatory cycle
  • Elimination of amenorrhea caused by insufficient gonadotropin production
  • Treatment of androgen deficiency in men and oligospermia
  • Diagnostics of the causes of violation of the gonadotropic function of the brain (pituitary).

In addition, Clomid is actively used in bodybuilding and sports to normalize the body’s work on the production of endogenous hormones after a course of steroids. This application is not provided by the manufacturers of the drug, but is the result of personal experience of men engaged in body building. Therefore, few doctors will be able to advise and prescribe a remedy for this purpose.

Medical property

The active component of Clomid is clomiphene citrate, which belongs to the group of antiestrogenic agents. Use in small doses leads to increased production of gonadotropins: prolactin and hormones with follicle-stimulating and luteinizing effects, which contributes to ovulation.

Use of clomid in bodybuilding

If the body’s estrogen content is low, Clomid has a moderate estrogenic effect, and in the case of a high content – antiestrogenic. Taking large doses activates the production of gonadotropins.

Method of application

The dosage of clomid tablets depends on the purpose of the drug. Clomid regimen for infertility problems:

  • To stimulate ovulation, the instructions for use recommend that women take 50 mg daily (before bedtime). Therapy begins on the 5th day of the monthly cycle. The course is 5 days. If there is no effect, repeat the drug administration (up to 3-6 courses), increasing the dosage to 150 mg or extending the duration of therapy, bringing the course to 10 days. At the same time, it is important not to exceed the total dose for the entire cycle of administration-1 g of the active substance.
  • Infertility in men. Representatives of the stronger sex, experiencing problems with spermatogenesis, it is recommended to take 1-2 times a day for 50 mg. During the course for men, it is mandatory to check the spermogram.

How to take Clomid on PCT

The scheme of recovery with Clomid after a course of steroids depends on its duration and the number of stimulants taken. The higher the dosage of steroids and the longer the cycle lasted, the longer it will take to return the body’s functions to normal.

  • After the ultralight course: 15 days of 50 mg, then the next 15 days of 25 mg
  • After a light course: 15 days. X 50 mg, 15 days. X 25 mg, 15 times (1 time in 2 days) 25 mg
  • After moderate intake: 30 days. X 50 mg, 15 days. X 25 mg
  • After intensive administration: 15 days. X 100 mg, 15 days. X 50 mg, 15 days. X 25 mg
  • After overdose: 3 days. X 150 mg, 12 days. X 100 mg, 15 days. X 50 mg, 15 days. X 25 mg.

To restore the production of their own testosterone, other drugs are also used-antiestrogens. What works best depends on many factors. Basically, several pairs of drugs are compared:

  • Clomid or Tamoxifen? The competing drugs are similar in structure, but the latter drug is stronger. Therefore, it takes less to restore testosterone. However, it is considered that the described remedy is the best choice for PCT after taking progestins.
  • Proviron or Clomid? Both medications have an anti-estrogenic effect, but each of them in its own way. The difference is as follows: Clomid stimulates tissues to release hormones, which increases the level of endogenous testosterone, and Proviron suppresses the enzymes responsible for the transformation of steroid hormones into estrogens. Due to this, the process slows down, which leads to the accumulation of testosterone in the plasma. But the effect is temporary, so after some time, the level of the male hormone will fall again.

Should I drink Clomid on a course of steroids

While taking anabolics, the level of androgens is extremely high, and therefore the body does not need to synthesize its own substances. The hypothalamus stops giving commands to the pituitary gland to produce hormones. As long as the concentration in the body of substances received from outside is maximum, Clomid will not be able to stimulate the body. The drug can only be taken during a steroid cycle as an anti-estrogenic agent.

The drug is prohibited for pregnant and nursing mothers. Women of reproductive age should make sure that there is no pregnancy if Clomid is prescribed.

Clomid precautionary measures

The use of the drug should only take place under the constant supervision of specialists.

The drug stimulates superovulation, which creates favorable conditions for the development of multiple pregnancies.

If ovulation is assumed to have taken place after the reception, but menstruation has not occurred, you should check the woman for pregnancy. Repeated administration of tablets can be carried out only after confirmation of the absence of conception.

Pills can cause decreased mindfulness, drowsiness, and slow reactions. At the time of admission, you should refrain from potentially dangerous activities: driving vehicles or operating complex mechanisms.

Like any medicine, Clomid should not be taken with alcohol, so as not to reduce its effect.