Clomid: instructions for use of tablets

Clomid is a non-steroidal medicinal product belonging to the group of antiestrogens. It has a dose-dependent effect on the pituitary gland, which is responsible for the production of sex hormones. The drug is used not only in reproductive medicine, but also in sports and bodybuilding to restore the body’s ability to produce its own hormones.

Clomid: Indications for use

Clomid was developed for:

  • Stimulation of ovulation in women suffering from anovulatory cycle
  • Elimination of amenorrhea caused by insufficient gonadotropin production
  • Treatment of androgen deficiency in men and oligospermia
  • Diagnostics of the causes of violation of the gonadotropic function of the brain (pituitary).

In addition, Clomid is actively used in bodybuilding and sports to normalize the body’s work on the production of endogenous hormones after a course of steroids. This application is not provided by the manufacturers of the drug, but is the result of personal experience of men engaged in body building. Therefore, few doctors will be able to advise and prescribe a remedy for this purpose.

Medical property

The active component of Clomid is clomiphene citrate, which belongs to the group of antiestrogenic agents. Use in small doses leads to increased production of gonadotropins: prolactin and hormones with follicle-stimulating and luteinizing effects, which contributes to ovulation.

Use of clomid in bodybuilding

If the body’s estrogen content is low, Clomid has a moderate estrogenic effect, and in the case of a high content – antiestrogenic. Taking large doses activates the production of gonadotropins.

Method of application

The dosage of clomid tablets depends on the purpose of the drug. Clomid regimen for infertility problems:

  • To stimulate ovulation, the instructions for use recommend that women take 50 mg daily (before bedtime). Therapy begins on the 5th day of the monthly cycle. The course is 5 days. If there is no effect, repeat the drug administration (up to 3-6 courses), increasing the dosage to 150 mg or extending the duration of therapy, bringing the course to 10 days. At the same time, it is important not to exceed the total dose for the entire cycle of administration-1 g of the active substance.
  • Infertility in men. Representatives of the stronger sex, experiencing problems with spermatogenesis, it is recommended to take 1-2 times a day for 50 mg. During the course for men, it is mandatory to check the spermogram.

How to take Clomid on PCT

The scheme of recovery with Clomid after a course of steroids depends on its duration and the number of stimulants taken. The higher the dosage of steroids and the longer the cycle lasted, the longer it will take to return the body’s functions to normal.

  • After the ultralight course: 15 days of 50 mg, then the next 15 days of 25 mg
  • After a light course: 15 days. X 50 mg, 15 days. X 25 mg, 15 times (1 time in 2 days) 25 mg
  • After moderate intake: 30 days. X 50 mg, 15 days. X 25 mg
  • After intensive administration: 15 days. X 100 mg, 15 days. X 50 mg, 15 days. X 25 mg
  • After overdose: 3 days. X 150 mg, 12 days. X 100 mg, 15 days. X 50 mg, 15 days. X 25 mg.

To restore the production of their own testosterone, other drugs are also used-antiestrogens. What works best depends on many factors. Basically, several pairs of drugs are compared:

  • Clomid or Tamoxifen? The competing drugs are similar in structure, but the latter drug is stronger. Therefore, it takes less to restore testosterone. However, it is considered that the described remedy is the best choice for PCT after taking progestins.
  • Proviron or Clomid? Both medications have an anti-estrogenic effect, but each of them in its own way. The difference is as follows: Clomid stimulates tissues to release hormones, which increases the level of endogenous testosterone, and Proviron suppresses the enzymes responsible for the transformation of steroid hormones into estrogens. Due to this, the process slows down, which leads to the accumulation of testosterone in the plasma. But the effect is temporary, so after some time, the level of the male hormone will fall again.

Should I drink Clomid on a course of steroids

While taking anabolics, the level of androgens is extremely high, and therefore the body does not need to synthesize its own substances. The hypothalamus stops giving commands to the pituitary gland to produce hormones. As long as the concentration in the body of substances received from outside is maximum, Clomid will not be able to stimulate the body. The drug can only be taken during a steroid cycle as an anti-estrogenic agent.

The drug is prohibited for pregnant and nursing mothers. Women of reproductive age should make sure that there is no pregnancy if Clomid is prescribed.

Clomid precautionary measures

The use of the drug should only take place under the constant supervision of specialists.

The drug stimulates superovulation, which creates favorable conditions for the development of multiple pregnancies.

If ovulation is assumed to have taken place after the reception, but menstruation has not occurred, you should check the woman for pregnancy. Repeated administration of tablets can be carried out only after confirmation of the absence of conception.

Pills can cause decreased mindfulness, drowsiness, and slow reactions. At the time of admission, you should refrain from potentially dangerous activities: driving vehicles or operating complex mechanisms.

Like any medicine, Clomid should not be taken with alcohol, so as not to reduce its effect.

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