Superovulation: what is the difference from ovulation and how is it caused?

The path to conceiving a child can be difficult and require the use of assisted reproductive technologies . In order for IVF to be successful, it is necessary to obtain several eggs. With natural ovulation, one, rarely two follicles ripen. And superovulation is a process when several mature in the ovary at the same time. It is created in the protocols of assisted reproductive technologies with the help of medicines. After receiving the eggs, they are fertilized and the embryos are transferred to the uterus.

Why do we need superovulation?

In in vitro fertilization, there is an IVF-EC protocol, or IVF in a natural (natural) cycle, when an egg is removed for fertilization during normal ovulation. This option is shown with a reduced ovarian reserve, when the number of immature follicles ends.

Indications for IVF-EC are also considered thrombophilia, antiphospholipid syndrome, habitual miscarriage, a history of oncopathology, contraindications to hormonal stimulation or poor quality of oocytes in response to it.

In IVF-EC, the frequency of pregnancy after embryo transfer is significantly lower, which is due both to the initial health conditions of the patients and to the peculiarity of the procedure – there is no possibility to choose an oocyte.


At the age of 40, according to world research, IVF EC is successful in 3-6% of cases, under 39 years of age, indicators vary in the spectrum of 11-53%.

Superovulation (ovarian stimulation protocol) allows you to achieve success much faster. With this phenomenon, 8-14 follicles mature in the ovary. And it’s not so much: some of them will be empty, some of them will be of poor quality. On average, 5-6 of the 10 follicles obtained during superovulation are selected for fertilization. The more oocytes, the higher the probability of success.

How is it stimulated?

To stimulate the maturation of a dozen follicles at once, hormonal drugs are used. They temporarily suppress their own hormones – luteinizing and follicle–stimulating (LH and FSH) and artificially stimulate the growth and maturation of follicles in the ovaries – with almost the same hormones created with the help of genetic engineering. Why do they do this?

The process of suppressing the production of the patient’s own hormones is necessary to control ovulation, otherwise there will be no eggs in part of the follicles at the puncture stage. In the natural cycle, the peak of LH production, the instigator of ovulation, occurs spontaneously. And without control over it, the eggs may not be in the follicles, but already outside – it will not be possible to get them from where.

At the final stage of maturation of oocytes, hCG hormone is injected, which affects the same way as luteinizing. This is how they achieve simultaneous and complete maturation of cells and their readiness for fertilization. As a rule, the injection of chorionic gonadotropin is carried out in the afternoon and after 36 hours a puncture with egg collection is prescribed.

25 signs of pregnancy

Do you know the first signs of pregnancy? Below is a list of 25 signs of pregnancy. Signs of pregnancy, depending on their reliability and informativeness, are usually divided into 3 categories: possible (the presence of these signs indicates that pregnancy is possible), probable (the presence of these signs indicates that the probability that you are pregnant is very high) and accurate (the presence of these signs always indicates the presence of pregnancy).


Possible signs of pregnancy:

1. Absence of menstruation

In the absence (delay) of menstruation, pregnancy is primarily suspected. It is customary to talk about the delay of menstruation in cases when, against the background of a regular menstrual cycle, menstruation did not occur in the expected time.

Pregnancy, however, is not the only reason for the absence (delay) of menstruation. Other possible reasons for the absence of menstruation are:

  • Stress
  • Strong physical activity (for example, fitness classes)
  • Illness
  • Changes in the mode of life, work (for example, switching to night shift work)
  • Taking certain medications (for example, hormonal drugs)
  • Overweight
  • Underweight
  • Incorrect counting (in case of irregular menstrual cycle)
  • The period close to menopause
  • Menopause

2. Unusual menstruation

A menstrual cycle that differs in any way from the usual one: longer, or vice versa, shorter; begins earlier or later, is accompanied by more or less abundant discharge – any of these variations and their combinations may indicate pregnancy.

It should be noted that in addition to the beginning of pregnancy, such menstrual cycle disorders can be observed in some gynecological diseases, therefore, the identification of this sign should serve as a reason to consult a doctor (either for a positive diagnosis of pregnancy, or for the diagnosis and treatment of a disease that violates the menstrual cycle).

3. The “feeling” of pregnancy

At the very beginning of pregnancy, some women feel uterine spasms or even pain. Most of all, uterine spasms resemble premenstrual pain.

What other signs of pregnancy are there?

Nausea and vomiting

These are some of the most common early signs that a woman is expecting a baby. Although nausea and vomiting may appear from the first weeks, most often these signs occur from the 6th to the 12th week. If nausea and vomiting appear for the first time during pregnancy, they are usually considered as signs of early gestosis (toxicosis).

Nausea and vomiting can be observed in a number of other conditions (diseases) that are in no way related to the expectation of a child (gastritis, stomach ulcer, enteritis, enterocolitis, migraine) – however, in such cases, in addition to nausea and vomiting, there are usually other symptoms of the disease that are not characteristic of pregnant women.

Libido changes

Changes in a woman’s sexual desire are caused by a complex of emotional and physical changes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman. These changes can either increase or decrease sexual desire.

Physical changes include increased breast sensitivity (which can also make touching more pleasant or extremely unpleasant), nausea, increased blood flow in the genital area, etc. Psychological changes are associated with the influence of female sex hormones on the nervous system.

Due to the extreme sensitivity of the problem of sexual desire, its changes are usually considered last of all as signs of pregnancy, especially if these changes are selective or chronic.

What else?

Increased urination

It can be observed from an early date. A woman experiences frequent urge to urinate, which usually ends with the release of a small amount of urine. The increased urge to urinate during pregnancy is explained by the fact that the uterus, which is increasing in size, presses on the bladder, reduces its volume, and the ability to accumulate urine.

Also, urination can be observed in diseases of the bladder or urethra – cystitis, urethritis (in such cases, frequent urges are accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, burning sensation directly during urination, temperature), endocrine diseases such as diabetes mellitus (frequent urination is accompanied by the release of a large amount of urine and intense thirst).

For women who want to get pregnant, we remind you: contact your gynecologist, and if he writes you a prescription for clomid, take the opportunity to buy clomid cheaper through our partner link!

Unusual taste preferences

Despite the fact that many people associate pregnancy with the desire to eat pickles and ice cream, the taste preferences of pregnant women can be different and are not limited to the products described at all. Some studies show that 68% of pregnant women experience unusual taste preferences, which are sometimes of an amazing nature (the desire to eat raw vegetables, chalk, earth, lime, raw meat, etc.).

And although most preferences are safe for health (in a reasonable amount), some pregnancies may have so-called picacism – the desire to eat inedible substances such as chalk, starch, etc.

A change in taste preferences can also be observed in iron deficiency anemia. In the case of anemia, taste preferences are combined with other symptoms: brittle and dry hair, nail stratification, cracks in the corners of the mouth, pale skin, dizziness, increased fatigue.

And a few more signs of pregnancy in women

  • Fatigue
  • Montgomery ‘s Bumps. (Montgomery’s bumps are small bumps on the areola of the breast (the circumscription circle). They do not pose any threat to health, and their appearance is a frequent sign of pregnancy).
  • Skin changes
  • Stretch marks

That’s all for today, and we wish everyone who bought clomid from our link to get a positive pregnancy test!