The main mistakes when trying to get pregnant

Most likely, you have at least one friend who, after getting pregnant, said: “It happened at the exact moment when I stopped thinking about it.” It’s annoying, frustrating, and nerve-wracking, especially when all you want is to have a baby. What prevents you from getting pregnant?

It seems that nothing will work-but your friend is telling the truth. Stress can be one of the main reasons why you can’t get pregnant: high levels of the stress hormone cortisol can negatively affect fertility.

A study of American scientists who followed 400 couples trying to get pregnant found that women with high levels of alpha-amylase (a stress indicator) were 29% less likely to get pregnant than women with a normal indicator.

Experts say that constant stress reduces the production of hormones responsible for a stable cycle.

Relax and try to let go of the situation for a while. Learn to meditate, sign up for yoga.

Mistake #2: Doing too much/not enough

If you’re going to do it – do it right! Many couples believe that if you” save ” sperm and do not have sex for a week, the chances of conception will increase significantly. This is not true. After about a week of abstinence, sperm motility decreases markedly.

For successful conception, doctors recommend having sex every day or every other day for a week before and including the day of ovulation. More frequent sex can negatively affect the ability of sperm to fertilize, and if you do it less often – you can skip the window of conception.

So, if your sex life has long been not as stormy as at the beginning of the relationship, this is a good reason to diversify it.

trying to get pregnant

It would seem that the 21st century is in the yard, but many women still continue to believe in the miraculous power of douching. It seems that everything is logical: with any infection, improper nutrition, the presence of bad habits, the environment in the vagina becomes acidic.

Sperm in such an environment dies and cannot fertilize the egg, so many people use a weak solution of soda to make the environment alkaline and create favorable conditions for conception. But doctors are opposed to this method: soda kills not only harmful microorganisms, but also useful ones, thus violating the natural pH of the vagina.

In addition, douching with soda can exacerbate inflammatory processes and diseases such as erosion and damage to the cervix, which a woman often does not know about without visiting a gynecologist.

If the attempt to get pregnant fails, remember that you can use, for example, clomid, taking it, you increase your chances of pregnancy.

Trying to get pregnant: Don’t blame yourself

Speaking about infertility, we usually believe that the problem is on the part of the woman. But in reality, the responsibility lies equally with both partners.

Doctors say that in 40% of cases of infertility, the cause should be sought from the man, and in another 40% – from the woman. The remaining 20% is compatibility, a combination of both partners. But don’t panic too soon.

Remember that a healthy couple needs from 6 months to a year to successfully conceive.

The most common mistake is the wrong definition of the day of ovulation. In most women, it occurs in the middle of the cycle, but this applies to women with a 28-32-day cycle. Ovulation usually occurs 14 days before the start of menstruation. Therefore, if you have a 24-day cycle, then ovulation will occur on day 10.

If your cycle is noticeably longer, say 42 days, then it can be assumed that you ovulate less frequently, not in every cycle. In this case, as well as if you have an irregular cycle (in this case, ovulation can be both on day 6 and on day 21), or you do not remember when you last had your period, forget these rules.

Another mistake when trying to get pregnant

A lot has already been said on this topic, but it will not be superfluous to repeat it: it is necessary to give up bad habits at least a year before trying to get pregnant.

Why do women continue to drink alcohol and smoke, knowing how harmful this affects the ability to conceive? Doctors around the world warn: the first trimester is the most important in the formation of the child’s body. There is no amount of alcohol that is safe for him.

But some expectant mothers, drinking alcohol in the early stages, do not yet know that they are pregnant. Therefore, if you do not protect yourself, in relation to alcohol and cigarettes, act as if you are already pregnant-simply, do not use it or at least reduce it to a minimum.

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