Clomid in bodybuilding

Taking steroids helps you gain muscle mass quickly. However, you have to pay for everything: after the end of the course, athletes have to make a huge effort to restore their body. A particularly acute problem is a decrease in the intensity of testosterone production. In this case, so-called antiestrogens come to the rescue, the most effective of which is clomid.

Why do I need to take antiestrogens?

Antiestrogens are widely used by athletes who use androgen-anabolic steroids to increase the effectiveness of training. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of antiestrogens, because after a course of steroids, the endocrine glands reduce the production of testosterone. This happens for a simple reason: if the hormone enters the body from the outside, the need for its production disappears. As a result, the pituitary-hypothalamus-ovarian arc becomes less and less active. And the longer an athlete takes steroids, the less testosterone is produced. It is important that the rate of decrease in the activity of your own glands depends on the intake of prolactin, estradiol and progesterone. If the level of one of these hormones exceeds a certain value, the activity of the endocrine glands will be suppressed even more. Therefore, it is important to monitor the level of hormones, pass tests on time and always have at your disposal extradiol and prolactin inhibitors.

Clomid in bodybuilding

The less active the pituitary-hypothalamus-ovary arc becomes, the more effort will have to be spent to “Wake it up”. Naturally, you need to get your testosterone levels back to normal as quickly as possible: this affects not only your appearance, but also the effectiveness of training. In order for testosterone levels to return to normal as soon as possible, it is recommended to take antiestrogens: clomiphene citrate, tamoxifen citrate and torimifene citrate. Unfortunately, recovery with tamoxifen is best abandoned: it is considered the dirtiest and you can expect quite unpredictable side effects from taking it. The most effective drug that many athletes recommend is clomiphene citrate, otherwise called clomid. Of course, it is quite expensive, but the quality and result fully justify the high cost.

How does clomid work?

Many athletes after a course of taking steroids try to restore the level of testosterone, using dietary supplements, herbal infusions and other questionable means. This should not be done: after the course, the body is in a hormonal pit, when the level of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones is almost zero. And it is from these hormones depends on the intensity of testosterone secretion.

Clomid affects the production of FSH and LH. In addition, it connects to estrogen receptors. Therefore, even if a high level of estrogen is detected in the athlete’s blood, you should not be afraid: the hormone will be in an inactive form.

In the first days of taking clomid, LH and FSH levels quickly peak, while testosterone levels increase. In just a couple of weeks, the testosterone level returns to the state that was observed before the course of steroids. However, the duration of taking the drug depends on the individual characteristics of the athlete’s body: someone needs two weeks, someone needs several months.

How to take clomid on PCT after the course

The dosage of clomid depends on the course of steroids taken. The more drugs were taken and the higher their dosages, the longer it will take to bring the body back to normal. In General, the reception scheme looks like this:

  • after a very hard course – 3×150, 12×100, 15×50, 15×25;
  • after a hard course – 15×100, 15×50, 15×25;
  • after the middle of the course – 30×50, 15×25;
  • after a light course – 15×50, 15×25, 15×25 (once every 2 days)
  • after a very easy course – 15×50, 15×25.

The first digit represents the number of days during which the drug should be taken. The second digit is the recommended dosage of the drug. For example, 15×100/15×50 will indicate that clomid should be taken for 15 days at 100 mg, and then for another 15 days at 50 mg.

Reviews of the drug

There are almost no negative reviews about the drug on the Internet. This does not seem surprising: clomid has no side effects, at least if taken in accordance with the instructions and recommendations of specialists. Clomid makes it possible to quickly restore testosterone levels after a course of steroids, and also contributes to minimal loss of muscle mass.

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