Infertile marriage is a problem?

World statistics gives the figure of prevalence of 10-15%, but I think in our country things are different and the reason is not that our women or men more and more sick, no, it’s not, and that not all women and some doctors along with them, unable to distinguish normal from pathology and problems sometimes just imaginary, not real.

I conditionally divided these women into 2 groups.

The first group is those unfortunate people who do not know the physiological norms of their body, who after 1-2 months of unsuccessful attempts run in horror to the doctor for help, because it should not be the same.

Everyone in the movies watched how after 1 time Rosalina got pregnant, and she also had a whole 2 months of attempts and nothing came out. Panic, horror, confusion.

infertile marriage

Then there may be several scenarios for the development of events, depending on which doctor will get such a woman. Either they will start looking for some far-fetched problems, such as hidden infections, or they will calm her down, explain that this is normal and she will calmly continue trying to conceive.

The second group is those women who really have a real problem. But it’s not all that simple, because some of these women get to those doctors who in the 21st century, in the age of information, lead their patients on the wrong path, misinforming and telling nonsense like that the cause of infertility is HPV or increased D-dimer, mutations in the folate cycle genes, of course, ureaplasm, high homocysteine, herpes virus, cervical erosion, cytomegalovirus, multifolycular ovaries on ultrasound, low progesterone. The list goes on indefinitely. The absurd scheme of examination and the same absurd treatment regimens. Sometimes these things take years.

I am not a reproductologist, I do not perform insemination, IVF, OR other methods of assisted reproductive technologies. I never say that by coming to me, you will definitely solve your problem.

Unfortunately, sometimes this is not the case, but every obstetrician — gynecologist should be able to examine a infertile couple according to the standards, without prescribing meaningless and useless examinations, without intimidating, and simply in essence explaining the problem and possible ways to solve it. But today is not about doctors, but about infertility.

So, first, the infertile couple are those couples who, after 1 year of regular sexual life without contraception, did not get the desired pregnancy.

According to statistics, only 30% of absolutely healthy married couples get pregnant in 3 months, 70% — in 6-7 and 80-90% – in a year.

The second point, what is regular sexual contact? This is regular vaginal sex once every 1-2-3 days without taking any contraceptives.

Couples who should not wait for a whole year, but go to the doctor after 6 months of unsuccessful attempts. This:

  • Women over 35 years of age;
  • Women over 35 years of age, but who have gynecological diseases (endometriosis, past infections such as chlamydia or gonorrhea).

The causes of infertile marriages

  • Ovulation disorders (there is no exit of the egg from the follicle).
  • Reduced ovarian reserve. A rapid decrease in the number of own follicles occurs after 35 years, plus the quality of the oocytes themselves decreases. Here, the main reason may be age, as well as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and genetics. So don’t delay your pregnancy.
  • Violation of the patency of the fallopian tubes, adhesions of the pelvic organs (chlamydia, gonorrhea,endometriosis, surgery. Any operation is always a risk of occurrence of the adhesive process).
  • Endometriosis
  • Leiomyoma of the uterus. The relationship between the presence of submucous uterine myoma (when the nodes are located in the uterine cavity) and infertility has been proved. Elimination of submucous nodes increases the chances of pregnancy.
  • Lifestyle – Smoking, alcohol, stress, hot baths and saunas for men, drugs, etc.

In 10-15% of cases, the cause of infertility remains unknown.

What is not the cause of infertility

If we talk about pregnancy very briefly and banal, then in order for it to occur, ovulation in the ovaries (the output of an egg from a Mature follicle), the uterus, the patency of the fallopian tubes and a sperm that is able to fertilize the egg.

The main reason is the violation of ovulation

The most important and I would say the key point is the conversation with the doctor. Here the entire life history is clarified (starting from birth, menstruation, family history, etc.), all concomitant diseases, risk factors, and only then, the main path of examination of a woman is determined, it can be different. But we will talk about the standards that apply to most women.

Can ovulation tests show pregnancy?

A woman’s hormonal background changes over the course of a month, and it is influenced by a huge number of factors, including the day of the cycle, contraceptives, stress, and much more. Therefore, it is difficult to determine whether your hormonal background is in order without special tests. For rapid diagnostics, home tests were developed that allow you to determine ovulation and pregnancy. It seems simple, but women began to be interested in the question of whether ovulation tests can show pregnancy, or how it will behave if the egg is already fertilized.

What is ovulation?

This is a natural, monthly process by which a woman becomes capable of procreation. That is, it is directly the process of egg release. This is where conception should occur if a sperm is found on its way.

can ovulation tests show pregnancy

Women who are at peace with their body are able to feel the approach of ovulation. During this period, sexual desire increases, nature knows when to look for a partner, there may be a slight feeling of pain in the ovaries. All this indicates that the right moment is approaching. To track this favorable period, you can use special tests. But the question is, can ovulation tests show pregnancy? Let’s figure it out together.

How does the ovulation test work?

This is very important to determine the most favorable moment for conception. Many women who are unable to get pregnant for a long time acquire these tests in large numbers, every day tracking the approaching output of the egg. The principle of operation of this test is quite simple. The test strip determines the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the urine. Shortly before the follicle breaks, the level of this hormone reaches its maximum level. As soon as you see 2 strips on the test, it means that ovulation will occur in about 12-48 hours. However, don’t forget that any test can fail. Make sure that the brightness of the test strip does not differ from the control one, otherwise the result may be considered unreliable. However, if a woman is planning to conceive, she is always interested in whether ovulation tests can show pregnancy. Numerous examples show that this is possible. Let’s talk about this in more detail.

If a pregnant woman uses the ovulation test

First of all, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that home tests are much less reliable than laboratory tests performed by doctors in a hospital. That is why quite often litmus tests can give one for another, pregnancy for ovulation, and Vice versa. Both ovulation and pregnancy are determined by the level of the hormone in the urine. Despite the fact that the hormones are different, such simple tests can easily be mistaken for one another. The surge of the hormone during ovulation and during conception looks about the same for them. That is why it is possible to answer the question in the affirmative whether ovulation tests can show pregnancy, but the reliability of this method will always be in question.

Different tests: what we will measure

Theoretically, the ovulation test should only determine the maturation and yield of the next egg. It is clear that if you are pregnant, this is not possible, but there is a huge amount of evidence that the ovulation test shows pregnancy much sooner than a specialized litmus test.

Sometimes women confuse these two types of tests, sometimes the pharmacy mistakenly sells them the wrong thing they ask for. As a result, you can ask whether an ovulation test can show pregnancy , and get an affirmative answer. While pregnant, many girls received a positive ovulation test. Others for the sake of interest, already reliably knowing about their pregnancy, checked the result of the ovulation test, and it also often turns out to be positive.

False indicators

Before you say whether the ovulation test can show pregnancy, you should warn that this is in any case the result of an imperfect diagnostic system, which means that you can not trust such indicators. If you are pregnant, the test result, once positive, will not turn into a negative. If this happens, you should immediately tell your doctor.

In this case, the ovulation test can show pregnancy, but only because the chorionic gonadotropin and luteinizing hormone have similar formulas, and the test has not only high sensitivity,but also a fairly large error.

To summarize

If we talk about whether a pregnancy test after ovulation will show the desired two strips, then any doctor will say that it is unlikely, because it has much less sensitivity. For a reliable result, you must wait for the first day of the delay. For this reason, a pregnancy test is not used to determine the onset of ovulation, its sensitivity is clearly insufficient. They will not be able to detect a slight increase in lutein.

Sometimes, Clomid is used to stimulate pregnancy. However, this is not the case with the second test strip. Whether the ovulation test shows pregnancy, many years in a row are discussed on all forums. Yes, indeed, it does. Therefore, it is possible to use it for the diagnosis of conception, although it is not economically feasible. The cost of such a test is several times higher than the price of the most expensive pregnancy test.

pregnancy ovulation test accuracy

After we have determined that it is possible to get an answer about your interesting position using an ovulation test, the question arises about the accuracy of this method. So it is logical to ask, does the ovulation test always show pregnancy? No, this method does not give 100% accuracy, because initially this litmus strip has other tasks. In order for you to determine the onset of ovulation, a test that is impregnated with reagents is used to detect the LH hormone in the urine. Its maximum concentration is in the urine during the period of egg release. If you get clear two stripes, it means that ovulation has already occurred and the optimal time for conception has arrived.

to determine an interesting position, you need to use another test, impregnated with reagents that react to the hormone HCG. From the first day of delay, you can get clear two stripes, which indicates that you are really pregnant. Thus, it is clear that these two tests respond to different hormones, and therefore, one will not replace the other. Ask any physiologist or doctor about whether ovulation occurs during pregnancy, and prepare for the fact that he will be very surprised. Of course not, the tasks of this mechanism have already been completed. The egg went into the fallopian tube, was fertilized, and implanted in the uterus. Until the birth of a new egg will not be formed.

Stimulation of ovulation

Ovulation is the natural process of an egg entering the fallopian tube after a Mature follicle is ruptured. Usually occurs 14 days before the start of menstruation. For a number of reasons, the egg may not be released from the follicle. In this case, artificial ovulation stimulation is required.Specialists of the IVF reproductive health clinic use dozens of techniques aimed at maturing the follicle and releasing the egg into the fallopian tube. Doctors prescribe medications (“Clomid“, “Didrogesterone”, etc.), select a diet, eliminate hormonal imbalances, give recommendations for lifestyle correction. As a result of complex therapy, a woman begins to ovulate, which is necessary for the conception of a child.

Features of the ovulatory phase

In healthy women, the rupture of the follicle with the subsequent release of the egg into the fallopian tube occurs without stimulation about 14 days before the onset of menstruation (with a 28-day cycle). Small deviations from the average are often observed and are considered the norm.

ovulatory phase

On the eve of ovulation, the ovarian follicle increases in size to 2 cm in diameter. At this point, the egg Matures in it. Under the influence of hormones, a gap appears in the follicle. Through it, the egg enters the oviduct (fallopian tube), and then – into the uterus, where fertilization occurs. The duration of the entire process does not exceed 48 hours. However, many women of reproductive age have disorders in the ovulation phase. This makes it difficult to conceive a child.

Indications for the procedure

Doctors of the IVF reproductive health clinic prescribe ovulation stimulation after laboratory and instrumental diagnostics. Therapy is indicated for women who have detected anovulation caused by:

  • polycystic ovary;
  • hyperandrogenism;
  • resistant ovarian syndrome;
  • hormonal disorders in diseases of the endocrine system;
  • hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction;
  • pathologies of the reproductive system from prolonged use of contraceptives and hormonal agents.

Ovulation stimulation is indicated after undergoing a comprehensive diagnosis, which is aimed at detecting the cause of abnormalities in the menstrual cycle.

Preparing for the procedure

Before ovulation stimulation, it is necessary to undergo a clinical diagnosis. First of all, a woman is assigned to pass laboratory tests. These include:

  • venous blood analysis for detection of antibodies to pathogens of syphilis, immunodeficiency virus, toxoplasmosis, chlamydia, cytomegalovirus, rubella;
  • urine sampling for the diagnosis of trichomoniasis and vaginal candidiasis;
  • vaginal smear to detect mycoplasmosis, Gardnerella, pathologically altered cells;
  • urine analysis to determine the indicators of prolactin, estrogen, and testosterone.

Preparing for the procedure

Also shown is the conducting of instrumental diagnosis of. Patients are referred to:

  • General examination by a therapist;
  • Examination by a gynecologist;
  • ECG (under load and in a relaxed state);
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs – this method helps to detect organic pathologies, malignant and benign tumors;
  • X-ray of the fallopian tubes-necessary for the diagnosis of obstruction;
  • Folliculometry – this method of ultrasound allows you to track the growth and development of follicles in dynamics.

Doctors of the IVF reproductive health clinic select treatment individually depending on the causes that caused the abnormal course of the menstrual cycle.

What is ovulation induction?

This is a procedure in which specialists artificially stimulate the maturation of eggs. During induction, both one and several cells can develop in the follicles of a woman. Such treatment should be performed with IVF or insemination. The more Mature eggs a reproductologist extracts from a woman’s ovaries, the higher the chance of a successful outcome of in vitro fertilization. Induction can be performed with medication.

Methods of artificial stimulation

In medical practice, there are many ways to speed up the process of maturation of the egg and follicle. Particularly effective are:

  • drug therapy-involves the appointment of drugs that normalize the production of female hormones, restoring the menstrual cycle;
  • diet-nutrition correction helps restore metabolic processes, increase the body’s support forces;
  • vitamin therapy-aimed at eliminating the deficiency of vitamins (A, D, C, E, etc.), as well as macro – and microelements (iron, zinc, calcium, phosphorus).

Stimulating the ovulation process in several ways increases the chances of restoring the menstrual cycle and further conception of a child.


When detecting pathologies in the maturation of follicles and eggs, specialists use drugs to stimulate ovulation. Funds are selected based on the patient’s age and weight, as well as the cause of the violation. In addition, the choice of a specific drug depends on the further method of fertilization of the egg (natural, IVF, ICSI, IMSI, etc.).
Medication prescribed to stimulate ovulation does not give results immediately. Only 15% manage to get pregnant after a short course of medication. Specialists of the IVF clinic psychologically prepare women and introduce them to statistics in order to reduce stress in the event of a failed attempt.

Nutrition for successful ovulation

Food is the main source of nutrients, macro-and microelements. The diet significantly affects the menstrual cycle and the ability to conceive. Women who consume a lot of fat and carbohydrates can suffer from overweight, high cholesterol, and diabetes. Such diseases negatively affect the work of the reproductive system. Lack of body weight is also dangerous – the body reduces the concentration of female hormones (estrogen, progesterone, prolactin, etc.).

Nutrition for successful ovulation

Specialists prescribe proper nutrition to stimulate ovulation, recommending that the menu include:

  • dairy products (cottage cheese, hard cheeses, milk);
  • fruits / vegetables rich in fiber, trace elements and vitamins;
  • the wheat germ;
  • legumes (chickpeas, beans, peas);
  • quail eggs;
  • walnut;
  • flax, sesame and pumpkin seeds;
  • dates.

In the course of treatment, it is necessary to stop using alcohol and Smoking. Certain foods prescribed by the diet may cause alle.

Clomid – instructions for use for women

Clomiphene citrate (clomid) is a synthetic non-steroidal drug that resembles estrogen in structure. It is widely used as an ovulatory stimulant. Having a similarity to estrogen, it can bind to estrogen receptors in the hypothalamus. This prevents the hypothalamus from detecting “real” estrogen, and the hypothalamus, in turn, causes the pituitary gland to secrete more gonadotropins, such as FSH and LH. FSH and LH stimulate the ovaries, the testes to produce more estrogen in women or testosterone in men.

This property of clomiphene is widely used in the treatment of women with premature loss of ovarian function and for the induction of ovulation. However, long-term use of this drug is not safe, as it increases the risk of ovarian cancer.


Clomid is recommended for the treatment of women with ovarian dysfunction. Many women who fail to get pregnant have a disrupted ovulation process. Among patients with ovulation problems, there are patients with polycystic ovary syndrome and patients with unknown causes of amenorrhea. Clomid is prescribed only after a complete study of the menstrual cycle and determining the cause of the violation.

In the treatment of clomid, the time of reception is of great importance. To determine ovulation, the blood is examined and the body temperature is checked. If the fact of ovulation is established, start taking clomid. As a rule, clomid is prescribed on the fifth day of the cycle. Usually clomid is taken for 3-6 cycles. Long-term treatment with the drug is not recommended.

Mechanism of action of clomiphene

Clomid is a powerful medication. However, if the correct dosage and short treatment periods are observed, it can help with female infertility. Clomiphene is similar to estrogen. It interacts with estrogen receptors in the hypothalamus and blocks these sites. In this case, the brain receives a signal about the insufficient amount of the hormone estrone in the body. This causes an increase in the level of gonadotropins, which increase ovarian stimulation for the production of estrogens. This leads to the synthesis of the hormone in both the adrenal glands and ovaries. Increasing the level of estrogen is important for the fertilization process.